Graham, E.F., Zavos, P.M. and Hanson, R.: Supercooling effects on motility and fertility of turkey spermatozoa. Cryobiology 12:579, 1975.
Zavos, P.M.., Hanson, R. and Graham, E.F.: The effects of the degree of supercooling on motility and fertility of frozen turkey spermatozoa. Poultry Science 55:2110, 1976.
Zavos, P.M., Chee, M.R., Toledo-Pereyra, L., Condie, R., Lillehei, R.C. and Graham, E.F.: Morphology and in vitro function of frozen-thawed canine kidneys rewarmed at different rates. Federation Proceedings 36:420, 1977.
Zavos, P.M., Chee, M.R., Crabo, B.F. and Lillehei, R.C.: Distribution of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in canine kidneys using continuous and pulsatile perfusion methods. Cryobiology 14:693, 1977.
Chee, M.R., Zavos, P.M., Toledo-Pereyra, L., Condie, R. and Lillehei, R.C.: The effect of different concentrations of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) on in vitro viability of canine kidneys during hypothermic pulsatile perfusion. Cryobiology 14:694, 1977.
Zavos, P.M., Graham, E.F. and Rapatz, G.: Effects of various degrees of supercooling on turkey spermatozoa. Cryobiology 14:702, 1977
Zavos, P.M., Chee, M.R., Toledo-Pereyra, L., Condie, R., Rapatz, G. and Lillehei, R.C.: Improvement of canine kidney freezing by modification of protein concentration and osmolarity of colloid solutions. Cryobiology 14:695, 1977.
Zavos, P.M., Mauer, H.G., Joyce, L., Smith, J. and Lillehei, R.C.: Pressure effects of canine kidneys during hypothermic pulsatile perfusion. Federation Proceedings 37(3):60, 1978.
Mauer, H.G., Zavos, P.M., Joyce, L., Smith, J. and Lillehei, R.C.: Effects of intravascular helium perfusion in renal cryopreservation. Federation Proceedings 37(3):60, l978.
Mauer, H.G., Zavos, P.M., Smith, J., Joyce, L. and Lillehei, R.C.: Comparison of dimethylsulfoxide concentration in renal vessels, ureter and parenchyma. Cryobiology l5(6):72, l979.
Zavos, P.M., Goodpasture, J.C. and Cohen, M.R.: Motility and enzymatic profile of human spermatozoa stored for 24 hours at +5 C and -196 C. Fertil. Steril. 33:230-231, 1980.
Zavos, P.M., and Cohen, M.R. Bovine mucus penetration test: An Assay for normospermic and oligoteratoasthenospermic (OTA syndrome) patients. Fertil. Steril. 35:255, 1981.
Zavos, P.M., Goodpasture, J.C., Cohen, M. R. and Zaneveld, L. J. D.: Morphological and enzymatic profile of the split ejaculate. Isr. J. Med. Sci. l7(8):764, l98l.
Zavos, P.M., Stahly, T.S. and Edgerton, L.E.: Sexual performance in boars after prenatal treatment with triamcinolone. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science (Southern Section), p. 58, 1982.
Zavos, P.M., Stahly, T.S. and Edgerton, L.E.: Correlation of boars' sexual performance with reproductive hormones and testes measurements during the growing period and other measurements at slaughter. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science (Midwest Section), p. 99, 1982.
Burchett, M.G., Zavos, P.M. and Edgerton, L.E.: Clomiphene citrate suppression of GnRH induced luteinizing hormone levels in the ram. Annual Meeting American Society of Animal Science, p. 342, 1982.
Zavos, P.M., Stahly, T.S. and Edgerton, L.A.: Ejaculate characteristics of young boars collected over a 10-week period. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science (Southern Section), Abstract No. 117, 1983.
Stahly, T.S., Zavos, P.M., Edgerton, L.A. and Cromwell, G.L.: Effect of dietary lysine levels for growing boars on subsequent sexual behavior and semen characteristics. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science (Midwest Section), p. 80, 1983.
Zavos, P.M. and Cohen, M.R.: The pH of the cervical mucus and the fractional postcoital test. Fertil. Steril. 41(2):99S, 1984.
Zavos, P.M., Wilson, E.A. and Cohen, M.R.: Total functional sperm fraction measurements in males of known fertility or infertility. Fertil. Steril. 41(2):29S, 1984.
Zavos, P.M., Salim, B., Jackson, J.A., Varney, D.R., Hemken, R.W. and Siegel, M.R.: Effect of tall fescue toxicity on reproductive performance in male rats. Federation Proceedings 43(3):623, 1984.
Fernandez-VanCleve, J., Salim, B. and Zavos, P.M.: Mitomycin C and its effects on daily sperm production potential (DSP) and other spermatogenic parameters in CD-1 mice. Physiologist 27(4):228, 1984.
Pallares, A., Zavos, P.M. and Hemken, R.W.: Site of insemination and fertilization in superovulated cows. Physiologist 27(4):228, 1984.
Zavos, P.M., Rowe, E.C. and Spencer, D.L.: Evolution of thermo-regulation in rats. Physiologist 27(4):251, 1984.
Zavos, P.M. and Wilson, E.: Recovery of retrograde ejaculates fit for AI: Comparison between retrograde and antegrade ejaculates via the use of a mucus penetration test. Proceedings of the European Sterility Congress, No. 115, 1984.
Zavos, P.M., Johns, J.T., Heersche, G. and Miksch, D.E.: Site of semen deposition and subsequent conception in synchronized and artificially inseminated (AI) beef heifers. J. Animal Science 61(1):37, 1985.
Zavos, P.M.: The use of quinacrine dihydrochloride technique and its accuracy in identifying X- and Y-bearing human spermatozoa. J. Andrology 6(2):136, 1985.
Zavos, P.M.: Role of sexual stimulation during production of ejaculates in the human. J. Andrology 6(2):27, 1985.
Zavos, P.M.: Oligospermia: Improvement of seminal parameters in ejaculates collected at intercourse from oligospermic patients via a Silastic seminal fluid collection device. Third International Forum of Andrology, Paris, France, 1985.
Zavos, P.M., Jackson, J. A., Bush, L.P., Siegel, M.R. and Hemken, R.W.: Effect of feeding fungal endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum) infected tall fescue seed on reproductive performance in CD-1 mice. J. Animal Science 61(1):390, 1985.
Blythe, J.B., Soler, B., Mitchell, G.E., Jr., Tucker, R.E., Zavos, P.M. and Jackson, J.A.: Vitamin A in plasma and liver of rats consuming ethanol. J. Animal Science 61(1):311, 1985.
Zavos, P.M. and Wilson, E.A.: Pretreatment of spermatozoa with semen buffer during sperm wash and subsequent improvements in sperm quality and numbers recovered. American Fertility Society, l985.
Zavos, P.M., Muse K.N. and Wilson, E.A.: Studies with cryopreservation of washed spermatozoa: Comparisons between F-10 and TEST-Yolk resuspension media. American Fertility Society, l985.
Zavos, P.M.: Improvement in seminal parameters in ejaculates collected at intercourse via a Silastic seminal fluid collection device. American Fertility Society, l985.
Karagounis, C.S., Papanikolaou, N.A. and Zavos, P.M.: Semen parameters compared between smoking and non-smoking males: Smoking intensity and semen parameters. Fifth World Congress on Human Reproduction. Athens, Greece, l985.
Zavos, P.M.: Seminal parameters of ejaculates collected from oligospermic and normospermic patients via masturbation and at intercourse using a Silastic seminal fluid collection device. Fifth World Congress on Human Reproduction. Athens, Greece, l985.
Zavos, P.M. and Wilson, E.A.: Site of semen deposition and subsequent conception rates in bovine and humans. Fifth World Congress on Human Reproduction. Athens, Greece, l985.
Zavos, P.M., Jackson, J.A., Jr., Bush, L.P., Siegel, M.R. and Hemken, R.W.: Feeding tall fescue seed infected by the fungus Acremonium coenophialum on the reproductive performance in male and female CD-1 mice. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Sciences, 1986.
Salim, B., Fernandez-VanCleve, J. and Zavos, P.M.: Effect of ethanol on daily sperm production potential (DSP) and other parameters in male rats. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Sciences, 1986.
Fernandez-VanCleve, J., Zavos, P.M., Heersche, G. Jr., and Miksch, D.E.: The influence of site of semen deposition on conception in artificially inseminated (AI) cows and heifers. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Sciences, 1986.
Fernandez-VanCleve, J., Zavos, P.M., Salim, B. and Hemken, R.W.: Effect of intracornual depth of semen deposition on conception rate and embryonic retardation in superovulated cows. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Sciences, 1986.
Varney, D.R., Nderfu, M., Jones, S.L., Siegel, M.R. and Zavos, P.M.: The effect of the fescue endophyte on the rat estrous cycle. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 33(2):66, 1986.
Kappes, C.J., Varney, D.R., Jones, S.L., Siegel, M.R. and Zavos, P.M.: Reproduction and lactation in laboratory rats fed endophyte-infected fescue seed. Association Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 33(2):66, 1986.
Zavos, P.M. and Pallares, A.: Serum levels and embryonic development: Comparisons between Ham's F-10 and phosphate buffered saline (PBS). American Fertility Society, Annual Meeting. Program Supplement p. 129, 1986.
Zavos, P.M.: Qualitative and quantitative seminal losses during ejaculate production via masturbation. The Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. Program Supplement p. 87, 1986.
Zavos, P.M.: Seminal parameters and sperm morphological characteristics of males of known fertility or infertility. The Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. Program Supplement p. 127, 1986.
Karagounis, C.S., Papanikolaou, N.A. and Zavos, P.M.: Fructose levels and other semen parameters in the human. The Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. Program Supplement p. 92, 1986.
Muse, K., Estes, S., Vernon, M., Zavos, P.M. and Wilson, E.: Effect of endometriosis on sperm motility in peritoneal fluid in-vitro. The Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. Program Supplement p. 99, 1986.
Zavos, P.M.: The role of sexual stimulation and ejaculate characteristics during the clinical use of a seminal collection device (SCD). The Twelfth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology. J. Andrology 8(1):p-33, 1987.
Zavos, P.M. and Gregory, G.W.: Employment of hypoosmotic swelling (HOS) test to assess the functional integrity of equine sperm membrane. Twelfth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology. J. Andrology 8(1):p-25, 1987.
Fernandez-VanCleve, J., Zavos, P.M. and Hemken, R.W.: Intracornual semen deposition at different depths and subsequent fertilization and embryonic development in superovulated cows. Twelfth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology. J. Andrology 8(1):p-38, 1987.
Zavos, P.M., Varney, D.R., Bush, L.P., Hemken, R.W., Jackson, J.A. and Siegel, M.R.: Reproductive responses in male rats fed extracts of fescue seed infected by endophyte fungus (Acremonium coenophialum). Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 34(2):133, 1987.
Zavos, P.M.: Comparative measurements of equine spermatozoa concentration between the hemacytometer, spectrophotometer and the Makler chamber method. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 34(2):70, 1987.
Zavos, P.M., Salim, B. and Bradley, N.: Libido scores and daily sperm production potential (DSP) in bulls fed different energy level rations. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 34(2):82, 1987.
Varney, D.R., Kappes, C.J., Jones, S.L., Newsome, R.S., Siegel, M.R. and Zavos, P.M.: The effect of feeding tall fescue seed infected by Acremonium coenophialum on pregnancy and parturition in female rats. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 34(2):80, 1987.
Varney, D.R., Hem-Lee, H.C., Kappes, C.J., Newsome, R.S., Jones, S.L., Siegel, M.R. and Zavos, P.M.: Physiological effects of tall fescue toxicity on rat visceral organs and glands. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 34(2):80, 1987.
Zavos, P.M., Varney, D.R., Jackson, J.A., Hemken, R.W., Siegel, M.R. and Bush, L.P.: Embryonic and fetal development in CD-1 mice fed endophyte infected tall fescue seed. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 34(2):134, 1987.
Zavos, P.M., Varney, D.R., Jackson, J.A., Hemken, R.W., Siegel, M.R. and Bush, L.P.: Lactation in mice fed endophyte infected tall fescue seed. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 34(2):134, 1987.
Evans, K.L., Zavos, P.M., Hemken, R.W. and Jackson, J.J.: The effects of feeding endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum) infected fescue hay on the reproductive development of the growing bull. J. Dairy Science 70(1):210, 1987.
Zavos, P.M.: Comparison of Ham's F-10 and TEST-Yolk buffer as medias for semen reconstitution. The Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. Program Supplement, p. 42, 1987.
Karagounis, C.S., Prappas, J., Zavos, P.M., Prappas, N. and Papanikolaou, N.A.: Experience with a new Silastic seminal fluid collection device. The European Sterility Congress. Budapest, Hungary, 1987.
Zavos, P.M.: Seminal parameters of ejaculates collected at intercourse with the use of a seminal collection device with different levels of precoital stimulation. J. Andrology 9(1):p-36, 1988.
Zavos, P.M.: Qualitative improvements of human spermatozoa after swim-up with or without storage for 8 hours at 5 C. J. Andrology 9(1):p-34, 1988.
Karagounis, C.S. and Zavos, P.M.: Varicocele and the spermogram: Observations before and after varicocelectomy. J. Andrology 9(1):p-39, 1988.
Zavos, P.M., Hunt, S.K., Varney, D.R., Hemken, R.W. and Siegel,M.R.: Effects of feeding endophyte infected tall fescue seed on reproductive performance in male CD-1 mice via competitive breeding. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 35(2)47-48, 1988.
Varney, D.R., Ruhman, Z.A., Stamper, R., Bush, L.P., Siegel, M.R. and Zavos, P.M.: Growth and reproduction in female rats fed a diet containing a serial extract of endophyte infected tall fescue seed. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 35(2):48, 1988.
Wiles, L.A., Varney, D.R., Siegel, M.R. and Zavos, P.M.: Mouse pup growth through weaning as affected by endophyte infected tall fescue. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 35(2):48, 1988.
Pool, W.F., Crooks, P.A. and Zavos, P.M.: Double label studies with R-(+)- 3H-N-CH3;14C-N-CH3 -N-methylnicotinium acetate in vivo in the guinea pig. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 35(2):90, 1988.
Zavos, P.M., Gregory, G.W. and Grove, R.: Diurnal distribution of spermatozoa in urine in rams. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 35(2):91, 1988.
Pool, W.F., Crooks, P.A. and Zavos, P.M.: Retention of radiolabel in the male reproductive organs of the guinea pig after exposure to a 14C-nicotine metabolite. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 35(2):91, 1988.
Zavos, P.M., Karagounis, C.S., Ahparaki, A. and Foroglou, C.R.: Effects of cigarette smoking on the ultrastructure of the axoneme of human spermatozoa. The Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. Program Supplement p. 100-101, 1988.
Zavos, P.M.: Short-term low temperature storage technique for human spermatozoa - Its application in an AI program. The Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. Program Supplement p. 100, 1988.
Walter, B.A., Gregory, G.W., Zavos, P.M. and Digenis, G.A.: Assessment of the migration of indium-labelled spermatozoa using external scintigraphy in female rabbits. The Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. Program Supplement p. 20-21, 1988.
Zavos, P.M.: Monthly variations in seminal parameters in the human. J. Andrology, Supplement 10(1):p-38, 1989.
Zavos, P.M.: Effect of length of sexual abstinence period on quality and quantity of human ejaculates. J. Andrology, Supplement 10(1):p-39, 1989.
Zavos, P.M.: Seminal parameters and sperm viability in ejaculates collected via two devices for semen collection at intercourse. J. Andrology 10(1):p-39, 1989.
Zavos, P.M., Varney, D.R., Hemken, R.W., and Siegel, M.R.: Effect of feeding endophyte infected tall fescue seed on the reproductive performance using a highly inbred and a crossbred mouse model. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 36(2):61, 1989.
Zavos, P.M., Grove, R.J., Varney, D.R., Siegel, M.R. and Hemken, R.W.: Effects of feeding endophyte infected tall fescue seed on reproductive performance of female CD-1 mice via competitive breeding. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 36(2):61, 1989.
Varney, D.R., Prestidge, R.A., Jones, D.D., Varney, L.A., Zavos, P.M. and Siegel, M.R.: The effect of endophyte-infected perennial ryegrass diet on growth and reproduction in mice. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 36(2)90-91, 1989.
Varney, D.R., Varney, L.A., Hemken, R.W., Zavos, P.M. and Siegel, M.R.: Puberty in mice as affected by a diet containing endophyte-infected tall fescue seed. Association of Southeastern Biologists Bulletin 36(2):90-91, 1989.
Zavos, P.M. and Centola, G.M.: Qualitative and quantitative improvements in human spermatozoa recovered via the swim-up and a new filtration column method. The 45th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. Program Supplement p. S33, 1989.
Zavos, P.M.: Twenty-four hour storage of human spermatozoa at 5 C for use in noncoital reproduction. The 45th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. Program Supplement p. S48, 1989.
Zavos, P.M. and Guiler, J.M.: Sexual abstinence: its effects on seminal parameters. J. Andrology Supplement 11(1):p-50, 1990.
Zavos, P.M. and Karagounis, C.: Underestimating the role of the cervix during the performance of intrauterine insemination. J. Andrology. Supplement 11(1):p-53, 1990.
Varney, L.A., Harmon R.J., Varney, D.R. and Zavos, P.M. Milk production in CD-1 mice fed a diet containing endophyte-infected tall fescue seed. J. Dairy Science 73(1):153, 1990.
Zavos, P.M.: Improvements in human frozen-thawed specimens via the swim-up and the SpermPrep filtration column method. The Second Joint Meeting of the European Sterility Congress - European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESCO-ESHRE). Milan, Italy. Supplement, p. 12, 1990.
Zavos, P.M. and Centola, G.M.: Recovery of spermatozoa from oligospermic patients for non-coital reproduction purposes via swim-up and the SpermPrep filtration method. The Second Joint Meeting of the European Sterility Congress- European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESCO-ESHRE). Milan, Italy. Supplement p.126, 1990.
Centola, G.M., Delp, P., Emilson, L.B.V., Zavos, P.M.: Qualitative and quantitative improvements in human post-thaw semen processed using a new filtration system. The 14th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB), 1990.
Zavos, P.M.: Selection of viable spermatozoa from frozen-thawed specimens via the swim-up and a semen filtration column method. The 46th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, Supplement, p.S134, 1990.
Zavos, P.M.: A new simple method for preparing spermatozoa for insemination using the new SpermPrepT filtration method. J. Andrology 12(1):58, 1991.
Zavos, P.M.: Selection of viable spermatozoa via SpermPrepT filtration following 24-hour cryostorage at 5 C in Test-Yolk buffer. J. Andrology 12(1):58, 1991.
Varney, D.R., Bertram, T.E., Varney, L.A., Zavos, P.M. and Siegel, M.R.: The effects of an endophyte-infected diet on the reproductive parameters of the Eastern cottontail rabbit. The Association of Southern Biologists Bulletin 38(2):119, 1991.
Zavos, P.M., Guiler, J.M. and Karon, M.: Multiple ejaculate collection via the use of a seminal collection device at intercourse vs masturbation. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the ESHRE-IVF Congress. Supplement, p.109, 1991.
Zavos, P.M.: Improved qualitative characteristics of cryopreserved human spermatozoa following recovery via the SpermPrepTII filtration method. Proceeding of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the ESHRE-IVF Congress. Supplement, p.20, 1991.
Rogers, B.J., Wamil, B. and Zavos, P.M.: Comparison of the fertilizing potential of human spermatozoa processed by swim-up or Sephadex filtration columns. Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on IVF and Assisted Procreations. Supplement, p.318, 1991.
Check, J.H., Zavos, P.M., Katsoff, D. and Kiefer, D.: Effects of Percoll discontinuous density gradients vs SpermPrepTII vs Sephadex gel filtration on semen parameters. J. Andrology. Supplement 13(1):27, 1992.
Sofikitis, N., Zavos. P.M. and Miyagawa, I.: Activation of proacrosin during sperm capacitation. J. Andrology. Supplement 13(1):27, 1992.
Zavos, P.M., Karon, M., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T. and Miyagawa, I.: Preparation of spermatozoa from patients with spermatogenic deficiencies for IUI purposes using the new and improved SpermPrepTII filtration method. J. Andrology. Supplement 13(1):41, 1992.
Zavos, P.M., Guiler, J.M., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T. and Miyagawa, I.: Retrograde ejaculation: Preparation of spermatozoa for insemination from retrograde ejaculates using the new SpermPrepTII filtration method. J. Andrology. Supplement 13(1):41, 1992.
Zavos, P.M.: Improvements in qualitative and quantitative characteristics of human spermatozoa using the "swim-up" method and a new standardized "Rise Kit" technique. J. Andrology. Supplement 13(1)42, 1992.
Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M., Nakamura, I. and Miyagawa, I.: Testicular function in uremic rabbits. J. Andrology. Supplement 13(1):42, 1992.
Sofikitis, N., Toda, T., Zavos, P.M. and Miyagawa, I.: Effects of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist (Nal-Glu) on testicular function. Proceedings of the Second Congress of the European Society of Contraception. Athens, Greece. Supplement, p.78, 1992.
Toda, T., Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M. and Miyagawa, I.: A bilateral effect of ipsilateral vasectomy on testicular testosterone biosynthesis. Proceedings of the Second Congress of the European Society of Contraception. Athens, Greece. Supplement, p.101, 1992.
Toda, T., Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M. and Miyagawa, I.: Effect of inhibitory GTP-binding protein on sperm penetration assay. Proceedings of the Second Congress of the European Society of Contraception. Athens, Greece. Supplement, p.78, 1992.
Sofikitis, N., Toda, T., Zavos, P.M., and Miyagawa, I.: Effects of gossypol on the spermatogenic parameters and the hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis in rhesus monkeys. Proceedings of the Second Congress of the European Society of Contraception. Athens, Greece. Supplement, p.79, 1992.
Varney, L.A., Harmon, R.J., Zavos, P.M., Siegel, M.R. and Varney, D.R.: Effects of endophyte-infected fescue seed on growth, reproduction and lactation in guinea pigs supplemented with vitamin E. Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association, Columbus, Ohio, USA. 75(1):243, 1992.
Varney, L.A., Harmon, R.J., Jackson, J.A., Zavos, P.M., Varney, D.R. and Siegel, M.R.: Reproductive performance in rats fed endophyte-infected tall fescue supplemented with vitamin E. Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association, Columbus, Ohio, USA. 75(1):244, 1992.
Zavos, P.M. and Kofinas, G.D. Antisperm antibody (ASA) treatment mode: levels of ASA following test-yolk buffer treatment and filtration via the SpermPrepT method. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), The Hague, The Netherlands. Supplement, p.177, 1992.
Zavos, P.M. and Centola, G.M.: Methods of semen preparation for intrauterine insemination and subsequent pregnancy rates. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), The Hague, The Netherlands. Supplement, p.48, 1992.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T. and Miyagawa, I.: Suppressive effects of gossypol on the spermatogenic parameters and the hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis in rhesus monkeys. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), The Hague, The Netherlands. Supplement, p.26, 1992.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T. and Miyagawa, I.: GTP-binding protein and its inhibitory effects on sperm penetration assay. Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), The Hague, The Netherlands. Supplement, p.94, 1992.
Sofikitis, N., Toda, T., Zavos, P.M. and Miyagawa, I.: Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG) administration increases sperm acrosin profiles and pregnancy rates in idiopathic infertile men with subnormal acrosin profiles. Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Endocrinology, Nice, France. Supplement, p.455, 1992.
Zavos, P.M. and Kofinas, G.D. Antisperm antibodies: treatment mode for levels of ASA following Test-yolk buffer treatment and filtration via the SpermPrepT method. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Supplement, p.22, 1992.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Iino, A., Inaga, S., Toda, T., Harada, T., Mio, Y. Terakawa, N. and Zavos, P.M.: High positive correlations of morphometric human sperm parameters and acrosin profiles and fertilizing capacity. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Supplement, p.55-56, 1992.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Dritsas, K., Koutselinis, A., Zavos, P.M.: Evaluation of by-pass surgical procedures for the treatment of varicocele. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Supplement, p.120, 1992.
Zavos, P.M. and Centola, G.M.: SpermPrepT vs Sperm Wash: two methods of semen preparation for intrauterine insemination and subsequent pregnancy rates at two different locations. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Supplement, p.160-161, 1992.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Alterations in sperm acrosin system in infertile men with varicocele. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association, Kyoto, Japan. Supplement, p.306, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., and Zavos, P.M.: Masturbation versus sexual intercourse. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association, Kyoto, Japan. Supplement, p.307, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Iino, A. and Zavos, P.M.: Effects of smoking on testicular function. The 81st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association, Kyoto, Japan. Supplement, p.307, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M., Saito, M. and Miyagawa, I.: The effect of varicocele on the sperm acrosin system in rabbits. The 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Tampa, Florida, USA. Supplement, p.54, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M., Saito, M., Miyagawa, I., Toda, T. and Terakawa, N. and Rodriguez, F.: A probable role of sperm polyamines in the development of spermatozoal motility and their ability to undergo capacitation. The 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Tampa, Florida. Supplement, p.54, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M., Toda, T., Hirakawa, S., Miyagawa, I., Mio, Y. and Terakawa, N.: Morphometric sperm parameters observed by confocal scanning laser microscopy versus transmission electron microscopy. The 18th Annual Meeting American Society of Andrology, Tampa, Florida, USA. Supplement, p.57, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Notsu, T., Ito, K., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Developmental effects of acute varicocele on testicular temperature and Leydig cell function via a rat varicocele model. The 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Tampa, Florida. Supplement, p.29, 1993.
Rodriguez, F. and Zavos, P.M.: Evaluation of the SpermPrepT II filtration method for use with cryopreserved ram spermatozoa. The 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Tampa, Florida. Supplement, p.36, 1993.
Rodriguez, F. and Zavos, P.M.: Influence of homologous and heterologous seminal plasma on the viability of frozen ram spermatozoa recovered via the SpermPrepT II filtration method. The 18th Annual American Society of Andrology, Tampa, Florida. Supplement, p.35, 1993.
Hamamah, S. and Zavos, P.M.: Comparative assessment of SpermPrepT II vs mini-Percoll for in-vitro preparation of human oligoasthenoteratozoospermic semen. The 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Tampa, Florida. Supplement, p.36, 1993.
Hamamah, S., Lanson, M., Barthelemy, C., Zavos, P.M., Garrigue, M.A., Lansac, J., Royere, D.: Treatment of human spermatozoa with human follicular fluid can enhance pregnancy outcome following In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Tampa, Florida. Supplement, p.65, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Kaftani, D.J. and Correa, J.R.: Improvements and short term viability of mouse epididymal spermatozoa recovered through the SpermPrepT filtration method. The 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Tampa, Florida. Supplement, p.36, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Woodford, F.M. and Grove, R.J.: Qualitative characteristics of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa recovered via the SpermPrepT filtration method. The 18th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Tampa, Florida. Supplement, p. 35, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T. and Miyagawa, I.: Two methods for selecting viable spermatozoa from human semen: comparisons between swim-down and the SpermPrepT method. Fifth International Congress of Andrology, Tokyo, Japan. Supplement, p. 76, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Toda, T., Mio, Y., Terakawa, N. and Zavos, P.M.: Inhibitory effects of 2-O-methyladenosine on proacrosin activation and outcome of sperm penetration assay. Fifth International Congress of Andrology, Tokyo, Japan, Supplement, p. 162, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Zavos, P.M. and Rodriguez, F.: Treatment of testicular dysfunction due to chronic renal failure. Fifth International Congress of Andrology, Tokyo, Japan, Supplement, p. 164, 1993.
Kofinas, G.D., Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N. and Toda, T.: A method of cryostorage and selection of viable sperm for use in the various artificial reproductive techniques (ART). Fifth International Congress of Andrology, Tokyo, Japan. Supplement, p. 78, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Dritsas, K., Koutselinis, A., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Human anatomic profiles of the left testicular venous system. Fifth International Congress of Andrology, Tokyo, Japan. Supplement, p. 185, 1993.
Toda, T., Sofikitis, N., Dritsas, K., Koutselinis, A., Antypas, S., Terakawa, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Functionality of the hypothalamo-pituitary-testicular axis and spermatogenetic parameters in male heroin addicts. Fifth International Congress of Andrology, Tokyo, Japan. Supplement, p. 27, 1993.
Toda, T., Sofikitis, N., Terakawa, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Effects of calpain on human sperm capacitation process. Fifth International Congress of Andrology, Tokyo, Japan. Supplement, p.12, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Toda, T., Miyagawa, I., Terakawa, N., Iino, A., Inaga, S. and Zavos, P.M.: Morphometric parameters of human spermatozoa recovered via the SpermPrepT filtration column. Fifth International Congress of Andrology, Tokyo, Japan. Supplement, p. 145, 1993.
Katagiri, C., Mio, X, TaKao, N., Toda, T., Terakawa, N., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Sperm Polyamines in fertile and infertile men and their relationship with spermatozoal motility, capacitation process, acrosome reaction and viability. Australian Andrology Society, Sydney, Australia. Supplement, p. 36, 1993.
Toda, T., Mio, Y., Terakawa, N., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Employment of new assays for identifying subpopulations of idiopathic infertile men. International Congress of IVF, Kyoto, Japan. August 5-6, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Miyagawa, I., and Sofikitis, N.: Sperm fibronectin expression in men with or without varicocele. American Urological Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA. May, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Intra-acrosomal events during epididymal sperm maturation. American Urological Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA. May, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Protection of spermatogenic and steriodogenic testicular function during chemotherapy with vinblastine by suppression of testicular activity. American Urological Association, San Antonio, Texas, USA. May, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T., Miyagawa, I., Terakawa, N., Iino, S. and Inaga, S.: Qualitative measurements of human spermatozoa recovered via the SpermPrepT method: morphometric measurements via the confocal scanning laser microscope. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Toda, T., Terakawa, N., Antypas, S. and Granitsiotis, P.: Sperm fibronectin in infertile men with varicoceles: its implication in infertility treatment. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Toda, T. and Terakawa, N.: The SpermPrepT filtration method: a means to select DNA-healthy spermatozoa. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Antypas, S., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Kidney transplantation and subsequent improvements in testicular dysfunction in children with chronic renal failure. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Antypas, S. and Kofinas, G.D.: Protection of spermatogenic and steroidogenic testicular function during chemotherapy with vinblastine by suppression of testicular activity. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Kofinas, G.D., Goodpasture, J., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T. and Miyagawa, I.:Effects of SpermPrepT and Percoll discontinuous density gradients on semen parameters: a comparative study. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N. and Miyagawa, I.: Evolution of intra-acrosomal events during the epididymal sperm maturation. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Miyagawa, I., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T., Terakawa, N., Iino, A. and Inaga, S.: Cigarette smoking and its effects on sperm qualitative and functional measurements. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Antypas, S., Neofytou, A., Ipsiladis, S. and Glanzouni, A.: Varicocele and male infertility: its possible implication in the sperm acrosin system. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N. and Miyagawa, I.: Benign prostatic hyperplasia: possible treatment via a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Zavos, P.M., Karagounis, C.S., Sofikitis, N. and Hager, D.W.: Quantitative and qualitative monthly variations in seminal parameters in the human. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Antypas, S., Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa I. and Rodriguez, F.: A bilateral effect of ipsilateral vasectomy on testicular testosterone biosynthesis. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Thessaloniki, Greece. June, 1993.
Antypas, S., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Zavos, P.M. and Papadopoulos, N.: Improvement of testicular dysfunction after kidney transplantation in children with chronic renal failure. The 40th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Manchester, England. July 21-23, 1993.
Antypas, S., Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Rodriguez, F.: A bilateral effect of ipsilateral vasectomy on testicular testosterone biosynthesis. The 40th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Pediatric Surgeons, Manchester, England. July 21-23, 1993.
Antypas, S., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Effects of cryptorchidism on Sertoli and Leydic cell function in young children. Hellenic Society of Urology, Corfu Greece, September 15, Proceedings, p.10, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Zavos, P.M. and Xecominos, G.: Bilateral vs ipsilateral ligation of the testicular vein in infertile men with left varicocele. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Supplement, p.27, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M., Miyagawa, I., Toda, T., Mio, Y., Terakawa, N., Kapsanakis, E. and Antypas, S.: Influence of sexual stimulation (SS) on sperm function in samples collected via masturbation (MST). Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Supplement, p.174, 1993.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Zavos, P.M. and Goodpasture, J.: Prediction of fertility potential by increases of sperm proacrosin content after varicocelectomy (VRM). Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Supplement, p.176, 1993.
Mio, Y., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T., Miyagawa, I, Terakawa, N, Zavos, P.M.: Assessment of acrosin content in human spermatozoa following acrosome reaction. American Society of Andrology Annual Meetings, Springfield, IL. Supplement, p.27, 1994.
Zavos, P.M., Kofinas, G.D., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T., Miyagawa, I.: The effects of pentoxifylline on the yield and quality of human spermatozoa recovered via various sperm preparation techniques. American Society of Andrology Annual Meetings, Springfield, IL. Supplement, p.50, 1994.
Okada, H., Noda, K., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Zavos, P.M.: Storage and recovery of viable spermatozoa after twenty-four-hour cryostorage at 5 C in test yolk buffer or milk. American Society of Andrology Annual Meetings, Springfield, IL. Supplement, p.24, 1994.
Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M., Koutselinis, A., Fahouris, I., Antypas,S., Miyagawa, I.: Beneficial effect of unilateral seminal vesicle (SV) transplantation on fertility potential in rats undergone bilateral SV resection. American Society of Andrology Annual Meetings, Springfield, IL. Supplement, p.33, 1994.
Correa, J.R. and Zavos, P.M.: The hypoosmotic swelling test: Its employment as an assay to evaluate the functional integrity of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa. American Society of Andrology Annual Meetings, Springfield, IL. Supplement, p.42, 1994.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Zarmakoupis, P.N.: Differences in seminal parameters in specimens collected via intercourse and incomplete intercourse (coitus interruptus). American Society of Andrology Annual Meetings, Springfield, IL. Supplement, p.52, 1994.
Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M.: Achievement of pregnancy after injection of round spermatid (RS) nuclei into rabbit oocytes and embryo transfer: A possible mode of treatment for men with spermatogenic arrest at the spermatid stage. American Urological Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, 1994.
Zavos, P.M.: Sperm functional tests: Their predictive clinical significance. First Annual Meetings, Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut, Lebanon. May 26-29, 1994.
Zavos, P.M., Maenosono, S., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I.: Comparisons of spermatozoa ultra structural morphology and function between sperm populations recovered via SpermPrepTM II filtration and percoll density gradient method. First Annual Meetings, Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut, Lebanon. May 26-29, 1994.
Zavos, P.M.: Sperm preparation methods for use in the various assisted reproductive techniques. First Annual Meetings, Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut, Lebanon. May 26-29, 1994.
Zavos, P.M., Antipas, S., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I.: A unilateral cryptorchid model developed in rats to study the effects on contalateral testicular function. First Annual Meetings, Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut, Lebanon. May 26-29, 1994.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, P.N.: Gossypol and its inhibitory effects on human sperm motility characteristics: Possible modes of reversibility of those effects. First Annual Meetings, Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut, Lebanon. May 26-29, 1994.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Sofikitis, N.V., Kofinas, G.D.: Pentoxifylline and its effects on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of human spermatozoa recovered via Percoll gradient and SpermPrepTM filtration. Tenth Annual Meetings, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Brussels, Belgium. June 26-30, 1994.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Toda, T., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Kofinas, G.: The opisthosmotic shock and human spermatozoa: Its effects on qualitative measurements of frozen-thawed human spermatozoa. Tenth Annual Meetings, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Brussels, Belgium. June 26-30, 1994.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Kofinas, G.D.: Does sexual stimulation and seminal parameters very between specimens collected via complete intercourse and incomplete intercourse (coitus interruptus)? Tenth Annual Meetings, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Brussels, Belgium. June 26-30, 1994.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I.: Purification and characterization of a cytosolic-calcium-dependent neutral protease (calpain) from human spermatozoa. Tenth Annual Meetings, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Brussels, Belgium. June 26-30, 1994.
Antipas, S., Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I.: Induction of left cryptorchidism (CRP) in rats results in increases in right testicular blood flow (TBF) and temperature (T): A novel mechanism to explain the effects of unilateral CRP on the contralateral spermatogenic process, Leydic (LD) and Sertoli (SL) cell function. Tenth Annual Meetings, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Brussels, Belgium. June 26-30, 1994.
Bastias, M.C., Orhon, E., Bryan, S.H., Diamond, M.P., Zavos, P.M.: Relationship between the human acrotest and the sperm penetration assay (SPA). Tenth Annual Meetings, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Brussels, Belgium. June 26-30, 1994.
Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M., Miyagawa, I., Mio, Y.: The structural basis of the regionalization of sperm cytoskeletal proteins (SCPs) in different portions of the human epididymis (E). Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meetings, American Fertility Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Supplement, p. S185, 1994.
Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M., Miyagawa, I., Pasyianos, P., Toda, T., Harada, T., Terakawa, N.: Studies on Ca-dependent neutral protease (Calpain)-like activity (CAL-L-A) in human sperm: A novel sperm function test. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meetings, American Fertility Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Supplement, p. S197, 1994.
Sofikitis, N., Mastelou, E., Likopoulou, L., Zavos, P.M., Miyagawa, I., Mio, Y., Pasyianos, P. and Kessopoulou, F.: Electrical stimulation (ES) versus mechanical stimulation (MS) of rabbit oocyte before injection of round spermatid (RS) nucleus into ooplasm. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meetings, American Fertility Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Supplement, p. S34, 1994.
Zavos, P.M.: Can the method of semen preparation for intrauterine insemination affect subsequent pregnancy rate? Comparison between the SpermPrepTM and the traditional double sperm wash. Symposium: Idea to Product: The Process. Serono Symposia, USA-Proceedings Supplement, p. 26, 1994.
Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: The effect of thawing temperatures on the occurrence of opisthosmotic shock on frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa. The 20th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Raleigh, North Carolina, March 31-April 4, Program Supplement, P-33 ,1995.
Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: The effects of thawing and holding temperatures during deglycerolization of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa on sperm viability and opisthosmotic shock. The 20th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Raleigh, North Carolina, March 31-April 4, Program Supplement, P-33, 1995.
Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: The effects of thawing and holding temperatures during deglycerolization of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa on sperm viability and opisthosmotic shock. American Society of Andrology Annual Meeting, Raleigh NC. March 31-April 4, 1995.
Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Miyagawa, I., Kofinas, G.D.: Various degrees of precoital stimulation and its effects on seminal parameters. 1995 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology (ASA), Raleigh, NC, March 3-April 4, 1995
Zavos, P.M., Bishop, F.M., Foster, C.L., Spanjer, M., Massey, J.B., Tucker, M.J., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Sofikitis, N.: Human sperm qualitative characteristics and fertilizing potential following 24 hrs of cryostorage (5 C): Comparisons between two different test-yolk buffers. 1995 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology (ASA), Raleigh, NC, March 3-April 4, 1995.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Noskova, D., Mohammadi, F., Digenis, G.A.: Studies in the development and testing of new formulations of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) coprecipitated with nonoxynol-9 (N-9) and iodine as possible vaginal contraceptives. The 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction-Embryology (ESHRE), Hamburg, Germany, June 28-July 1, 1995. Human Reproduction 1995; 10(Abstract book 2):79-80. (Oral Presentation. Abstract #164).
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Noskova, D., Mohammadi, F., Digenis, G.A.: The development of new formulations of nonoxynol-9 (N-9) coprecipitated with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as possible vaginal contraceptives. The 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (formerly American Fertility Society), Seattle, Washington, October 7-12, 1995. Program Supplement, p. S74 (Oral Presentation O-151).
Maroulis, G.B., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Clark, W., Verkauf, B., Bernhisel, N.S., Yeko, T.R., Zavos, P.M.: Comparison of Medi-Cult universal IVF medium to human ART: a retrospective study. IX World Congress on In Vitro Fertilization and Alternate Assisted Reproduction, Vienna, Austria, April 3-7, 1995.
Zarmakoupis, P.N., Yeko, T.R., Parsons, A.K., Zavos, P.M., Maroulis, G.B.: Spontaneous ovulation following clomiphene treatment does not differ from HCG triggered ovulation in regards to pregnancy and miscarriage rates. Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), San Francisco, CA, May 5-8, 1995.
Zarmakoupis, P.N., Clark, B., Mohnkern, D.L., Zavos, P.M., Verkauf, B.S., Bernhisel, M.A., Yeko, T.R., Maroulis, G.B.: Comparison of Medi-Cult universal IVF medium to human tubal fluid for use in human ART: a retrospective study. Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), San Francisco, CA, May 5-8, 1995.
Zarmakoupis, P.N., Nicosia, S.V., Zavos, P.M., Haller. E., Maroulis. G.B.: Uterine pinopodes and implantation window: Is there any correlation? 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Hamburg, Germany, June 28-July 2, 1995.
Zarmakoupis, P.N., Clark, W., Salakos, N., Zavos, P.M.: Employment of the mouse embryo bioassay for testing of four commercially available media used in assisted reproductive technologies: Comparisons between the SpermPrepTM and Percoll methods. 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Hamburg, Germany, June 28-July 2, 1995.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, P.N.: The inhibitory effects of gossypol on human sperm motility characteristics: Possible modes of reversibility of those effects. 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Hamburg, Germany, June 28-July 2, 1995.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Sofikitis, N.: The effects of pentoxyfylline on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of human spermatozoa recovered via SpermPrepTM filtration techniques. 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Hamburg, Germany, June 28-July 2, 1995.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Sofikitis, N.: Diurnal variation of sexual frequency in couples undergoing infertility assessment: comparisons among various groups. 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Hamburg, Germany, June 28-July 2, 1995.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Sofikitis, N.: Effect of seminal viscosity difficulties via two different methods on the recovery of spermatozoa for ART: Comparisons between the SpermPrepTM and Percoll methods. 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Hamburg, Germany, June 28-July 2, 1995.
Zavos, P.M., Bishop, F.M,. Foster, C.L., Massey, J.B., Tucker, M.J., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Sofikitis, N.: Fertilizing potential and qualitative characteristics of human spermatozoa cryostored for 24 hrs at 5 C in two different test-yolk buffer preparations. 11th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Hamburg, Germany, June 28-July 2, 1995.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, P.N.: Variations and distributions over 24-hr period of sexual frequency in couples undergoing infertility assessment: comparisons among various age groups. 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), Seattle, WA, USA, October 7-12, 1995.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Kofinas, G.D., Abou Abdallah, M.: Seminal viscosity and treatment difficulties via two different methods in the recovery of spermatozoa for Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Comparisons between the SpermPrepTM and Percoll Methods. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS), Alexandria, Egypt, October 11-14, 1995.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Kofinas, G.D., Abou Abdallah, M.: Measurements of the sperm motility index via the sperm quality analyzer and its relationship to other sperm qualitative parameters. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS), Alexandria, Egypt, October 11-14, 1995.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, P.N.: A simplified approach to the swim-up method; use of a new one-step swim-up/swim-down standardized technique. The Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Minneapolis, MN, April 25-29, 1996.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Antypas, S., Zarmakoupis, C.N.: The effects of seminal plasma from cigarette smokers on sperm viability and longevity. The 12th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 30-July 3, 1996.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Antypas, S., Aslanis, P., Zarmakoupis, C.N.: The inability to produce seminal specimens at the time of seminal evaluation may reflect difficulties with sexual drive and deficient spermatogenic parameters. The 12th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE), Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 30-July 3, 1996.
Zavos, P.M., Barnes, F.L., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Tesarik, J.: Methods for isolation and purification of post-ejaculate human round spermatids for possible use in intracytoplasmic round spermatid injection (ROSI). The 52nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), Boston, Massachusetts, November 2-7, 1996.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Abou-Abdallah, M.: A simplified approach to the swim-up technique: use of a new one-step swim-up/swim-down standardized technique. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Bahrain, November 27-29, 1996.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Aslanis, P., Abou-Abdallah, M.: Employment of the SQA in an ART clinical setting: Sperm motility index and fertilization rates. The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Bahrain, November 27-29, 1996.
Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: Preparation of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa via various sperm selection techniques employed in assisted reproductive technologies. The 21st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 25-29, 1996.
Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: Response of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa to the hypoosmotic swelling test at various temperatures. The 21st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 25-29, 1996.
Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: Dilution associated changes in osmotic pressure of the cryopreservation medium during washing of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa. The 21st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 25-29, 1996.
Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa recovered via a conventional and a standardized swim-up technique. The 12th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction Embryology (ESHRE), Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 30-July3, 1996.
Kearl, R., Correa, J.R., Hicks, C.L., Zavos, P.M.: Employment of peptide blockers in inhibiting antisperm antibodies to human spermatozoa. The 12th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction Embryology (ESHRE), Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 30-July 3, 1996. Program Supplement, p. 115 (P-041).
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zafragas, A.M., Aslanis, P.: Variations in pregnancy rates in humans following intrauterine insemination among different infertility centers: can the inseminator make a difference? Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Andrology, Thesalloniki, Greece, December 1996.
Aslanis, P., Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The use of a new simplified one-step swim-up/swim-down standardized technique for semen preparation. Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Andrology, Thesalloniki, Greece, December 1996.
Toda, T., Yamamoto ,Y., Miyagawa, I., Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N.: Effects of an inhibitor adenylate cyclase (AC) on sperm proacrosin activation. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Baltimore, MD, February 23-25, 1997.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R.: Vaginal delivery of new formulations of nonoxynol-9 co-precipitated with polyvinylpyrrolidone: assessment of two formulation-delivery systems on the onset of pregnancy in rabbits. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Baltimore, MD, February 23-25, 1997.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R.: Assessment of spermicidal efficacy of new formulations of nonoxynol-9 co-precipitated with polyvinylpyrrolidone in rabbits: comparisons between two delivery systems. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Baltimore, MD, February 25-27, 1997.
Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Sofikitis, N., Zavos, P.M.: Sperm Characteristics and IVF outcome. Comparisons between the ZSCTM and Percoll density gradients recovered spermatozoa. Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Las Vegas, NV, May 1997.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Male impotence and seminal parameters: Does the inability to produce seminal specimens at evaluations depict deficiencies in sperm parameters of subsequent specimens? Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Las Vegas, NV, May 1997.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Clark, W., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Outcome of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) using human sperm prepared via a new standardized swim-up technique. Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, New Orleans, LA, May 1998.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Rodriquez, F., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Sperm viability in human semen specimens cryostored at 5 C using the Bio-TranzTM container system. Annual Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, New Orleans, LA, May 1998.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, C.N., Aslanis, P., Antipas, S. and Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.:Differences in round spermatids recovered from testes and at post-ejaculation: are there any differences of physiological significance? ESHRE, Goteborg, Sweden, June 21-24, l998.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Aslanis, P., Antipas, S. and Zarmakoupis, C.N.: Comparative assessment of the ZSCTM vs Sperm SelectTM methods for in vitro preparation of human spermatozoa: Quantitative and qualitative measurements. ESHRE, Goteborg, Sweden, June 21-24, l998.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, C.N. and Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Viability and fecundity of human semen specimens cryostored and transported at 5o C using the Bio-TranzTM shipping system. ESHRE, Goteborg, Sweden, June 21-24, l998.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, C.N., Aslanis, P and Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The effects of cigarette smoking on the male sexual behavior. ESHRE, Goteborg, Sweden, June 21-24, l998.
Zavos, P.M., Antypas, S., Aslanis, P., and Zarmakoupis, C.N and. Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Development of assays to measure the functional integrity of the membrane of human immature spermatozoa recovered from testes for use in ICSI. IFFS '98/ASRM, San Fransisco, CA, November l998.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Quantitative and qualitative measurements of human spermatozoa recovered via two commercially available methods: comparative measurements. IFFS '98/ASRM, San Fransisco, CA, November l998.
Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Mantzavinos, T., Kanakas, N., Loutradis, D., Kalianidis, K., Yamanoto, Y., Trokoudis, K., Zavos, P., Tarlatzis, V.: Parameters influencing the outcome of round spermatid injections (ROSI) into oocytes: sources of round spermatids, round spermatid viability and capacity to activate oocytes. IFFS '98/ASRM, San Francisco, CA, November l998.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, C.N. Aslanis, P., Antipas, S., and Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The effects of cigarette smoking on seminal parameters and male sexual behavior. Panhellenic Andrology Conference, Athens, Greece, November 13-15, 1998.
Aslanis, P.,Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N. and Zavos, P.M.: Use of the Multi-ZSCTM one-step standardized swim-up method: recovery of high quality spermatozoa for IUI or other forms of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs). Panhellenic Andrology Conference, Athens, Greece, November 13-15, 1998.
Karagounis, C. and Zavos, P.M.: The relationship between sperm density and degree of progressive motility in post ejaculated spermatozoa; Comparisons between Normospermic and Oligospermic specimens. Panhellenic Andrology Conference, Athens, Greece, November 13-15, 1998.
Zavos, P.M., Abou-Abdallah, M., Jeyendran, R.S. and Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Improvements in sperm quantitative and qualitative measurements via the use of a gravity-free centrifugation (GFC) technique during swim-up. The 5th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Amman, Jordan, November 18-20, 1998.
Abou-Abdallah, M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P. N. and Zavos, P.M.: Use of the Multi-ZSCTM one-step standardized swim-up method: recovery of high quality spermatozoa for IUI or other forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART's). The 5th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Amman, Jordan, November 18-20, 1998.
Zavos, P.M., Jeyendran, R.S. and Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The use of a gravity-free centrifugation (GFC) technique during swim-up: Improvements in sperm quantitative and qualitative measurements .The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Louisville, KY, USA: April 11-13, 1999.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Aslanis, P., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P. N.:recovery of high quality spermatozoa for IUI or other forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART's): Employment of the Multi-ZSCTM one-step standardized swim-up method. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Louisville, KY, USA; April 11-13, 1999.
Suzuki, N., Yamamoto, Y., Miyagawa, I., Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N.: Protective effects of antioxidants on testicular function of varicocelized rats. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Louisville, KY, USA; April 11-13, 1999.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, C.N.., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Cigarette smoking and male sexual behavior: Effects on quantitative and qualitative measurements of seminal parameters. The Conjoint Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 25-30,1999.
Zavos, P.M., Abou Abdallah, M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The spermicidal qualities of ultrasound gels and their possible influence on sperm quality and survival during the performance of transvaginal ultrasound and intrauterine insemination: can they influence the outcome of pregnancy? The 6th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, November 24-26, 1999.
Zavos, P.M., Abou Abdallah, M., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Does the volume of the overlaid media during swim-up affect the quantitative and/or qualitative characteristics of the recovered spermatozoa? Comparisons between the ZSCT-II and Multi-ZSCT swim-up columns. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, November 24-26, 1999.
Correa-Pérez, J.R., Torres-Santiago, O., Fernandez-Pelegrina, R., Zavos, P.M.: Sperm quantitative/qualitative characteristics recovered from normozoospermic and teratozoospermic specimens using a multi-layer swim-up column. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, November 24-26, 1999.
Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zarmakoupis, C.N., Abou Abdallah, M., Kaskar, K., Zavos, P.M.: Viability and Fecundity of Human Semen Specimens Cryostored and Transported at 5°C Using the Bio-Tranz Shipping System. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, November 24-26, 1999.
Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Recovery of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa via a conventional and a standardized swim-up technique. The 25th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Boston, MA, USA; April 7-11, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Can viagra® help? Its role in the treatment of infertility in males with erectile dysfunction. The 25th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Boston, MA, USA; April 7-11, 2000.
Correa-Pérez, J.R., Torres-Santiago, O, Fernández-Pelegrina, R., Zavos , P.M.: Sperm characteristics recovered from teratozoospermic specimens using a multi-layer swim-up column. The 25th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Boston, MA, USA; April 7-11, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Evaluation of human semen specimens transported at 5°c using the Bio-TranzT shipping system. The 25th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Boston, MA, USA; April 7-11, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The use of sildenafil citrate (Viagra®) for treatment of male infertility in males with erectile dysfunction. The 48th Annual Clinical Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, San Francisco, CA, USA; May 20-24, 2000.
Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Kaskar, K., Zavos, P.M.: Evaluation of the ZSCT semen preparation method for "in-office" use in an IUI program. The 48th Annual Clinical Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, San Francisco, CA, USA; May 20-24, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Evaluation of the Multi-ZSC column in selecting high quality sperm from normozoospermic samples. The 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Bologna, Italy, June 25-28, 2000.
Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Aslanis, P.:Employment of the Sperm Quality Analyzer (SQA) in an ART clinical setting: Sperm motility index and fertilization rates. The 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Bologna, Italy, June 25-28, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Correa, J.R., Sikka, S.C., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Seminal characteristics of men of different age groups: Is there an aging effect? The 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA, October 21-25, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Barnes, F.: The effect of quality and number of embryos transferred on the outcome of pregnancy in an IVF program. The 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA, October 21-25, 2000.
Correa-Pérez, J.R., Torres-Santiago, O., Fernández-Pelegrina, R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M.: Recovery of sperm subpopulations in a multi-layer swim-up column: distribution of morphological characteristics form normozoospermic and teratozoospermic semen specimens. The 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA, October 21-25, 2000.
Correa-Pérez, J.R., Torres-Santiago, O., Fernández-Pelegrina, R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M.: Sperm quantitative/qualitative characteristics distribution of normozoospermic and teratozoospermic specimens in a multi-layer swim-up column. The 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA, October 21-25, 2000.
Correa-Pérez, J.R., Torres-Santiago, O., Fernández-Pelegrina, R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M.: Rheologic behavior of spermatozoa exposed to hypoosmotic conditions at varying oncotic pressure environments: possible protective mechanisms against sperm swelling by the addition of protein supplements. The 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA, October 21-25, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Aslanis, P., Zarmakoupis, C.N., Correa, J.R., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Comparison between couples with different smoking habits: Male and female sexual behavior. The 4th Panhellenic Andrology Meeting, Athens, Greece, November 10-12, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Aslanis, P., Kaskar, K., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The aging effect of men on sexual behavior and seminal characteristics: Fact or fiction? The 4th Panhellenic Andrology Meeting, Athens, Greece, November 10-12, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Correa, J.R., Abou-Abdallah, M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Is there an aging effect on sperm parameters and sexual behavior of men of different age groups. The 7th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut, Lebanon, November 15-18, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Abou-Abdallah, M.: Does the quality and number of embryos transferred during IVF-ET predict the outcome of pregnancy in an IVF outcome? The 7th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut, Lebanon, November 15-18, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Abou-Abdallah, M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Seminal characteristics of men undergoing treatment with Viagra for erectile dysfunction. The 7th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut, Lebanon, November 15-18, 2000.
Zavos, P.M., Aslanis, P., Kaskar, K., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The aging effect of men on sexual behavior and seminal profiles: fact or fiction? The VII International Congress of Andrology, Montreal, Canada, June 15-19, 2001.
Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, C.N., Correa, J.R., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Comparisons between couples with different smoking habits: male and female sexual behavior. The VII International Congress of Andrology, Montreal, Canada, June 15-19, 2001.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Sultan, A.M., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: How predictive is the mock cycle during IVF: Should it be performed? The VII International Congress of Andrology, Montreal, Canada, June 15-19, 2001.
Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Seminal characteristics of men of various age groups. Is there an aging effect? The 17th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 1-4, 2001.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Sultan, A.M., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: How predictive is the mock cycle during IVF; Should it be performed? The 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Orlando, Florida, October 20-25, 2001.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Time dependent pattern of activity of the spermicide Nonoxynol-9 on sperm qualitative characteristics. The 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Orlando, Florida, October 20-25, 2001.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Differences in seminal parameters between the first and second seminal collection: Can the semen collection method make a difference? The 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Orlando, Florida, October 20-25, 2001.
Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Variations of seminal characteristics in young and elderly men: Is the aging effect real? The 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Orlando, Florida, October 20-25, 2001.
Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Aslanis, P., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The impact of cigarette smoking on male and female sexual behavior: Who sets the pace? The 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Orlando, Florida, October 20-25, 2001.
Correa-Pérez, J.R., Torres-Santiago, O., Fernández-Pelegrina, R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M.: Distribution of sperm quantitative/qualitative characteristics from normozoospermic and teratozoospermic specimens in a multi-layer swim-up column. The 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Orlando, Florida, October 20-25, 2001.
Zavos P.M., Correa J.R., Kaskar K., Abou-Abdallah M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos P.N.: Differences in seminal parameters between the first and second seminal collection: Can the semen collection method make a difference? The 8th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Bahrain, November 7-10, 2001.
Zavos P.M., Kaskar K., Abou-Abdallah M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos P.N.: Establishing cut-off values for sperm parameters in order to predict fertilization outcome in vitro. The 8th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Bahrain, November 7-10, 2001.
Zavos P.M., Correa J.R., Kaskar K., Abou-Abdallah M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos P.N.: How predictive is the mock cycle during IVF; Should it be performed? The 8th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Bahrain, November 7-10, 2001.
Zavos P.M., Kaskar K., Correa J.R., Abou-Abdallah M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos P.N.: Variations of seminal characteristics in young and elderly men: Is the aging effect real? The 8th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Bahrain, November 7-10, 2001.
Zavos P.M., Kaskar K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos P.M.: Establsihing cut-off values for sperm parameters in order to predict fertilization outcome in vitro. The 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Seattle, Washington, October 12-17, 2002.
Zavos P.M., Aslanis P., Kaskar K., Zarmakoupis P.M.: Screening of oocyte and semen donors: Are we discriminating againast sperm donors. The 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Seattle, Washington, October 12-17, 2002.
Zavos P.M., Correa-Perez J.J., Aslanis P., Kaskar K., Zarmakoupis P.M.: Sperm viability in human semen specimens cryostored at 5°C using the BioTranz container system for semen transport. The 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Seattle, Washington, October 12-17, 2002.
Zavos P.M., Illmensee K.: Development of bioassays using the bovine model to measure the efficiency of SCNT in humans. The 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Antonio, Texas, October 11-15, 2003.
Zavos P.M., Abou-Abdallah M., Kaskar K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos P.N.: Erectile dysfunction: Seminal characteristics of men undergoing infertility treatment using Viagra. The 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Antonio, Texas, October 11-15, 2003.
Correa-Perez J.R., Fernández-Pelegrina R., Zavos P.M.: Hypoosmotic swelling patterns in human spermatozoa: effects of colloid osmotic pressure conditions. The 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Antonio, Texas, October 11-15, 2003.
Correa-Perez J.R., Fernández-Pelegrina R., Cordova-Claudio M.J., Kaskar K., Zavos P.M.: Improvement of morphological deficiencies according to the degree of teratozoospermia: is it possible to reach comparable levels to normozoospermic semen specimens? The 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Antonio, Texas, October 11-15, 2003.
Zavos P.M., Illmensee K.: Human somatic cell nuclear transfer into enucleated bovine oocytes: a potential bioassay. The 19th Annual Meeting for the Society of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology, Bregenz, October 17-18, 2003.
Illmensee K., Zavos P.M.: Development of an interspecies-specific bioassay using the bovine oocyte model to evaluate the potential of SCNT in humans. The 10th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut, December 10-13, 2003.
Zavos P.M., Abou-Abdallah M., Aslanis P., Kaskar K., Zarmakoupis P.M.: Screening of oocyte and semen donors: Are we discriminating againast sperm donors. The 10th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut, December 10-13, 2003.
Zavos P.M., Abou-Abdallah M., Aslanis P., Antypas S, Correa J.R., Kaskar K., Zarmakoupis P.M.: Can cigarette smoking affect sex drive? More likely for men than women. The 10th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society, Beirut, December 10-13, 2003.
Correa-Pérez J.R., Fernández-Pelegrina R., Kaskar K., Zavos P.M.: Identification of deficient sperm characteristics from the semen analysis and their contribution to the diagnosis of male factor. The 11th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS), Amman, Jordan, December 1-3, 2004.
Zavos P.: Human Reproductive Cloning: A mode of human infertility treatment. The 12th World Congress on Human Reproduction, Venice, Italy, March 10-13, 2005.
Illmensee K., Zavos P.M.: Development of an interspecies-specific bioassay using the bovine oocyte model to evaluate the potential of SCNT in humans.World DNA and Genome Day, China, April 25-30, 2005.
Zavos P.M.: Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis - State of the ART. The Indian International Conference on Update in Infertility, Bangalore, India, April 25-May 1, 2005.
Zavos P.M.:Human Reproductive Cloning - Technology and Ethics. The Indian International Conference on Update in Infertility, Bangalore, India, April 25-May 1, 2005.
Zavos P. M., Correa-Perez J., Kaskar K., Koundouros S., Zarmakoupis-Zavos P.: Fecundity of Human Semen Specimens Cryostored and Transported at 5°C Using the Bio-Tranz™ Shipping System. Conjoint Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (61st Annual Meeting) and the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society (51st Annual Meeting), Palais de Congrès, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 15-19, 2005.
Zavos P.M., Kaskar K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos P.: Incidence of chromosomal aberrations in embryos from a fertile group of patients. Conjoint Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (61st Annual Meeting) and the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society (51st Annual Meeting), Palais de Congrès, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 15-19, 2005.
Correa-Pérez J. R., Fernández-Pelegrina R. ,Kaskar K. , Zavos P. M.:Outcome of intracytoplasmic sperm injection in cases of epididymal necrospermia. Conjoint Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (61st Annual Meeting) and the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society (51st Annual Meeting), Palais de Congrès, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 15-19, 2005.
Zavos P.M., Kaskar K., Zavos P.N.: Chromosomal abnormalities in embryos from a proven fertile population as determined by Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and subsequent pregnancy outcome. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS), Luxor, Egypt, November 23-26, 2005.
Zavos P.M., Illmensee K., Kaskar K.: Developmental potential of individual mouse blastomeres harvested from various stages of preimplantation embryos and cultured in-vitro with and without a zona pellucida. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS), Luxor, Egypt, November 23-26, 2005.
Zavos P.M., Illmensee K., Kaskar K.: Effect of assisted hatching and blastomere biopsy on the developmental potential and hatching ability of mouse embryos. The 12th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS), Luxor, Egypt, November 23-26, 2005. (Submitted).
Zavos P.M., Illmensee K.: Vitrification of bovine oocytes: parthenogenetic development as a bioassay for oocyte survival and quality. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), New Orleans, Louisiana, October 21-25, 2006. (Submitted).
Zavos P. M., Koundouros S., Correa-Perez J., Kaskar K., Zavos P.N.: Seminal viscosity: It’s effects on routine semen analysis outcome. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), New Orleans, Louisiana, October 21-25, 2006. (Submitted).
Zavos P.M., Kaskar K., Illmensee K.: Assisted hatching and blastomere biopsy on the in-vitro potential of mouse embryos: implications for human ART. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), New Orleans, Louisiana, October 21-25, 2006. (Submitted).
Illmensee K., Kaskar K., Zavos P.M.: In-vitro blastocyst development from serially split mouse embryos: future implications for human ART.The 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), New Orleans, Louisiana, October 21-25, 2006. (Submitted).
Illmensee K., Kaskar K., Zavos P.M.: In-vitro developmental potential of individual mouse blastomeres cultured with and without zona pellucida: future implications for human ART. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), New Orleans, Louisiana, October 21-25, 2006. (Submitted).
Correa-Pérez J.R., Fernández-Pelegrina R., Kaskar K., Zavos P.M.: Cervical mucus retrieved sperm as an alternate source of spermatozoa for patients unable to produce semen specimens on the day of IVF. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), New Orleans, Louisiana, October 21-25, 2006. (Submitted).
Correa-Pérez J.R., Rivera-Herrera J., Rodríguez F., Fernández-Pelegrina R., Kaskar K., Zavos P.M.: Successful TURED in a hypospermic subject with ipsilateral kidney and seminal vesicle agenesis compounded with an episode of prostatitis resulting in transient azoospermia. The 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), New Orleans, Louisiana, October 21-25, 2006. (Submitted).
El-Uri F., Fathi J., Dabit S., and Zavos P.M., Intrauterine insemination and its use in a clinical setting: What can make a difference? The 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), Washington, D.C., October 21-25, 2007. (Submitted)
Zavos P.M., A comparative study of human and mouse embryo splitting via blastomere biopsy: Possible implications in future ARTs. The 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), Washington, D.C., October 21-25, 2007. (Submitted)