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Being first is what it's all about!

- Dr. Panayiotis M. Zavos



Below is a list of pioneering ideas and technologies developed by Dr. Zavos in the field of reproductive medicine and assisted reproductive technologies.

Panos Zavos

Created the First Human-Bovine Hybrid Cloned Embryo


 illmensee K., Levanduski M., Zavos P.:

Evaluation of the embryonic preimplantation potential of human adult somatic cells via an embryo interspecies bioassay using bovine oocytes. Fertility and Sterility 85 (Suppl 1): 1248-1260, 2006.



First to develop Embryo Splitting technologies using mouse blastomere biopsy for future use in human assisted reproductive technologies.​


Illmensee K., Kaskar K., Zavos P.: Efficient blastomere biopsy for mouse embryo splitting for future applications in human ART. Reproductive Bio-Medicine Online, 11 (6): 716–725, 2005.


Illmensee K., Kaskar K., Zavos P.:In-vitro blastocyst development from serially split mouse embryos: future implications for human ART. Fertil. Steril. 86 suppl. 4:1112-20, 2006.

zavos website

Created the First Human-Bovine Hybrid Cloned Embryo from Post-Mortem Tissues



  • Fairfax Digital - Dr to Clone Dead Girl​






  • The Cloning of "Little Cady"







  • Dr. Zavos attacks British Scientific Community after they appeal to NewsEditors not to cover Dr. Zavos' work











Attempted the First Fresh Human Cloned Embryo Transfer for Reproductive Purposes.



  • MSNBC - Doctor claims he implanted human clone



  • Zavos P, Illmensee K: Possible treatment of male infertility by reproductive cloning: Technique for creating cloned human four-cell embryo and subsequent embryo transfer. Arch. Androl. 52:243-254, 2006.

Dr. Zavos

Created the first ever human cloned embryo for reproductive purposes




  • Human Reproductive Cloning: The Time is Near (RBM Online, 2003)






  • A Clone at Last? (US News and World Report, April 21, 2003)






  • First Proof of Cloned Embryo (Sunday Herald, Glasgow, April 6, 2003)


Participated in the establishment of the first IVF program in Kentucky and the subsequent birth of the first IVF baby in the State of Kentucky, USA, 1986.


TEST-TUBE BABIES. -- June 18, 1986 
TEST-TUBE BABIES. "1st 'test-tube' baby conceived in Kentucky is born" The first "test-tube baby" conceived in Kentucky was born yesterday to a Lexington couple at the University of Kentucky Albert B. Chandler Medical Center.



Participated in the development and introduction of the first Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) procedures in humans in the World.


This was done in collaboration with Dr. Melvin R. Cohen, the Director of the Andrology Institute of Chicago, at Northwestern University. The work was published during the International Symposium on Human Artificial Insemination and Semen Preservation in Paris, France, in 1979.

Zavos, P.M. and Cohen, M.R.: Mucus penetration test as an assay for frozen and fresh spermatozoa. International Symposium on Human Artificial Insemination and Semen Preservation, Paris, France. p. 52. April 9-11, 1979.



Employment of Test-Yolk buffer for semen refrigeration using human semen


Zavos, P.M., Goodpasture, J.C., Zaneveld, L.J.D. and Cohen, M.R.: Motility and enzyme activity of human spermatozoa stored for 24 hours at +5 C and -196 C. Fertil. Steril., 34(16):607-609, 1980.

Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Foster, C.L., Massey, J.B., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Fertilization potential and qualitative characteristics of human spermatozoa after short-term cryostorage at 5C in two different TEST-Yolk buffer preparations.Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 184:1-10, 1998



Employment of bovine cervical mucus as a bioassay for fresh and cryopreserved human spermatozoa


Zavos, P.M. and Cohen, M.R.: Bovine mucus penetration test: An assay for fresh and cryopreserved human spermatozoa. Fertil. Steril., 34(2):175-176, 1980.



Employment of supercooling as a means to cryostore spermatozoa


Zavos, P.M. and Graham, E.F. Supercooling effects on motility and fertility of turkey spermatozoa as compared between two different buffers. Cryo-Letters, 2:76-85, 1981.



Employment of emulsions and supercooling methods as a means to cryostore spermatozoa


Zavos, P.M. and Graham, E.F. Preservation of turkey spermatozoa by the use of emulsions and supercooling methods. Cryobiology, 18:497-505, 1981.



Employment of "seeding" to limit or prevent cryo-damage to cell suspensions during freezing


Zavos, P.M. and Graham, E.F.: Effects of various degrees of supercooling on motility and fertility of turkey spermatozoa. Cryo-Letters, 3:71-82, 1982.

Zavos, P.M. and Graham, E.F.: Effects of various degrees of supercooling and nucleation temperatures on fertility of frozen turkey spermatozoa. Cryobiology, 20:553-559, 1983.



Documentation of the presence of opisthosmotic shock to frozen-thawed human spermatozoa


Zavos, P.M.: Opistho Osmotic shock of frozen-thawed human spermatozoa. Infertility, 5(3):247-255, 1983.

Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Correa, J.R., Aslanis, P., Antypas, S., Zavos, P.M.: Occurrence of osmotic shock in human spermatozoa: its effects on qualitative measurements in frozen-thawed spermatozoa. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 3(1):66-71, 1998.



Employment of a non-invasive technique for harvesting and reconstituting retrograde ejaculates


Zavos, P.M. and Wilson, E. A.: Retrograde ejaculation: A new technique for collection and reconstitution of retrograde ejaculate. Infertility, 5(4):287-296, 1983.

Zavos, P.M. and Wilson, E.A.: Ejaculation retrograde: etiologie et traitement. Emploi d'une nouvelle technique. Contraception- fertilite-sexualite, 12(6):813-818, 1984.

Zavos, P.M. and Wilson, E.A.: Retrograde ejaculation: etiology and treatment via the use of a new noninvasive method. Fertil. Steril., 42(4):627-632, 1984.



Employment of seminal collection devices in order to enhance ejaculate characteristics as compared to those ejaculates collected via masturbation


Zavos, P.M.: Characteristics of human ejaculates collected via masturbation and a new Silastic seminal fluid collection device (SCD). Fertil. Steril., 43(3):491-492, 1985.

Zavos, P.M.: Seminal parameters of ejaculates collected from oligospermic and normospermic patients via masturbation and at intercourse with the use of a Silastic seminal fluid collection device. Fertil. Steril., 44(4):517-520, 1985.

Zavos, P.M.: Role de la stimulation sexuelle dans l'elaboration de l'ejaculat chez l'homme. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 13(9):981-983, 1985.

Zavos, P.M.: Comparisons between ejaculates collected at intercourse and at masturbation. Young Couples International, 2:5, 1985.

Zavos, P.M.: Parameters and improvements in ejaculates collected at intercourse and the use of a silastic seminal collection device vs masturbation. Infertility, 9(1):57-64, 1986.

Karagounis, S.C., Papanikolaou, N.A. and Zavos, P.M.: Semen parameters compared between smoking and non-smoking men: smoking intensity and semen parameters. Infertility, 8(4): 373-382, 1985.

Zavos, P.M.: Incidence des pertes de sperme au cours de l'ejaculation provoquee' par masturbation. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 14(11):1003-1006, 1986.

Zavos, P.M.: Treatment of ejaculatory and spermatogenic dysfunctions in oligospermic patients via collection of ejaculates at intercourse using a seminal fluid collection device. Infertility, 10(2):167-171, 1987.

Zavos, P.M.: Utilisation clinique d'un dispositif de recueil du sperme (SCD); parametres seminaux et ameliorations d'ejaculats recueillis par rapport sexuel avec le SCD et par masturbation, chez des patients presentant divers dysfonctionnements spermatogenes et ejaculatoires. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 16(6):475-481, 1988.

Zavos, P.M., Goodpasture, J.C.: Clinical use of a seminal collection device: improvements of specific seminal deficiencies through use of a seminal collection device at intercourse versus masturbation. Infertility, 11(4):289-304, 1988.

Zavos, P.M. and Goodpasture, J.C.: Clinical improvements of specific seminal deficiencies via intercourse with a seminal collection device versus masturbation. Fertil. Steril. 51(1):190-193, 1989.

Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zarmakoupis, C.N., Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: Multiple ejaculate collection via the use of a semen collection device at intercourse versus masturbation. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 4 (3): 228-232, 1999.



Documentation of the effects of smoking on seminal characteristics and sperm parameters in humans.

Zavos, P.M.: Cigarette smoking and human reproduction: Effects on female and male fecundity. Infertility 12(1):35-46, 1989.

Zavos, P.M.: Tabagisme: sterilite masculine et femenine. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 17(2):133-138, 1989.

Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Antypas, S., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zarmakoupis C.N.: The effects of seminal plasma from cigarette smokers on sperm viability and longevity. Fertility and Sterility, 69(3):425-429, 1998.

Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Karagounis, C.S., Ahparaki, A., Phoroglou, C.R., Hicks, C.H., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: An electron microscope study of the axonemal ultrastructure in human spermatozoa from smoking and nonsmoking males. Fertility and Sterility, 69(3):430-434, 1998.

Zavos, P.M.: Cigarette smoking effects on human reproduction. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 335(A):1-8, 1998.

Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, C.N. and Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.:The impact of cigarette smoking on human reproduction: its effects on female and male fecundity. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 3(3):340-47, 1998.

Zavos, P.M.: Impact of cigarette smoking on human reproduction: Its effects on male and female fecundity. Technology, 6:9-16, l999.

Zavos, P.M. and Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: How smoking affects reproductive health: Female fecundity. OBG Management, 2:48-55, l999.

Zavos, P.M.: Cigarette smoking and human reproduction: effects on female and male fertility. American Council on Science and Health (Special Report) 12(3):16-19,2000.

Karagounis, C.S., Papanikolaou, N.A. and Zavos, P.M.: Cigarette smoking: Smoking intensity and semen parameters in men. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Human Reproduction, Supplement, pp.135-137, 1986.



Introduction of the first commercial and patented semen preparation device for preparation of human sperm for IUI purposes


Zavos, P.M. and Centola, G.M.: Qualitative and quantitative improvements in human spermatozoa recovered via the swim-up and a new semen filtration column (SFC) method. Infertility, 13(1):25-34, 1990.

Zavos, P.M. and Centola, G.M.: Ameliorations seminales des spermatozoides utilises pour la fecondation artificielle: Comparaison entre la methode de "nage ascedante" et une nouvelle methode de filtration du sperme sur colonne. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 18(11):943-948, 1990.

Zavos, P.M.: Selection de spermatozoides viables a partit d'echantillons de spermes humains congeles-decongeles: comparaison de la methode du "swim-up" et d'une nouvelle methode de filtration : le SpermPrepT. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 19(4):293-297, 1991.

Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T. and Miyagawa, I.: Improvements in qualitative characteristics of cryopreserved human spermatozoa following recovery via the SpermPrepTII filtration method. Tohoku J. Experimental Medicine. 163:283-290, 1991.

Zavos, P.M.: Preparation of human frozen-thawed specimens using the SpermPrepT filtration method: Improvements over the conventional swim-up method. Fertility and Sterility. 57(6):1326-1330, 1992.

Zavos, P.M.: Amelioration des caracteristiques qualitatives des spermatozoides humains cryoconserves apres recuperation par la methode de filtration SpermPrepTII. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite. 20(5):541-545, 1992.



Employment of the hypoosmotic swelling test (HOS) to assess functional integrity of equine sperm membrane


Zavos, P.M.: The use of hypoosmotic swelling test (HOS) to assess functional integrity of equine sperm membrane. J. Assisted Reproductive Technology-Andrology. 2(2):215-216, 1991.



Introduction of the first standardized and patented technology for in-office use for semen preparation for IUI purposes


Zavos, P.M.: Improvements in qualitative and quantitative characteristics of human spermatozoa using the Swim-up method and a new standardized Rise-KitT technique. Molecular Andrology. 4:231-239, 1992.

Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N. Correa, J.R., Aslanis, P., Zarmakoupis, C.N.: Assessment of two devices for in vitro preparation of human sperm. Archives of Andrology, 45(2):85-90, 2000.



Employment of round spermatid injections for treatment of patients with non-obstructive azoospermia


Sofikitis, N., Toda, T., Miyakawa, I., Zavos, P.M., Pasyianos, P., Mastelu, E.: Beneficial effects of electrical stimulation before round spermatid nuclei injections into rabbit oocytes on fertilization and subsequent embryonic development. Fertility Sterility. 65(1):176-185, 1996.

Zavos, P.M., Barnes, F.L., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Tesarik, J.: Methods for isolation and purification of post-ejaculate human round spermatids for possible use in intracytoplasmic round spermatid injection. Middle East Fertility Society Journal. 2:147-150, 1997.

Zavos, P.M.: Methods for isolation and purification of post-ejaculate human round spermatids for possible use in intracytoplasmic round spermatid injection. Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Advances in Assisted Reproduction Technologies in the Year 2000. Rome, Italy, p. 12-12/1, 1997.

Zavos, P.M., Antypas, S., Aslanis, P., Zarmakoupis, C.N and. Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Development of hyperosmotic shrinkage test to measure the functional integrity of the membrane of human round spermatids retrieved from testes for use in ICSI. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 5 (2), 115-119, 2000.



Use of nonoxynol-9 co-precipitated formulations with polyvinylpyrrolidone in rabbits as possible vaginal contraceptives in humans


Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R.: Vaginal delivery of new formulations of nonoxynol-9 co-precipitated with polyvinylpyrrolidone in rabbits: comparisons between two formulation-delivery systems. Contraception.56(2):123-127, 1997.

Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Assessment of a tablet drug delivery system incorporating nonoxynol-9 co-precipitated with polyvinylpyrrolidone in preventing the onset of pregnancy in rabbits. Fertility and Sterility, 69(4):768-73, 1998.

Digenis, G.A., Nosek, D., Mohammadi., F., Darwzeh, N.B., Anwar, H.S. and Zavos, P.M.: Novel vaginal controlled delivery systems incorporating coprecipitates of nonoxynol-9. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 4(3):421-430, 1999.



Introduction of the Viscoelastic System (VLS), a commercial product for treatment of seminal viscosity difficulties


Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Effect of treatment of seminal viscosity difficulties with -chymotrypsin on the recovery of spermatozoa for assisted reproductive technologies: comparisons between the SpermPrepT filtration and Percoll gradient centrifugation methods. Middle East Fertility Society Journal,2 (3):223-29, 1997.



Employment of Test Yolk buffer (TYB) as a means to treat antisperm antibodies in humans


Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Antisperm antibody treatment mode: levels of antisperm antibodies following incubation in TEST-Yolk buffer and filtration via the SpermPrepTII method. Fertility and Sterility, 69(3):517-21, 1998.



Introduction of the first commercial liquid semen shipper for transporting unfrozen semen to a location for evaluation purposes or for use in an insemination program or for other Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) such as In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF)


Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Clark, W., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.:Sperm viability in human semen specimens cryostored at 5°C using the Bio-TranzT container system for semen transport. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 3(3): 325-329, 1998.

Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Evaluation of human semen specimens transported at 5°C using the Bio-TranzT shipping system. The 25th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Boston, MA, USA; April 7-11, 2000.



Introduction of the first standardized and patented multi-chamber technology for the recovery of high quality spermatozoa for IUI or other forms of assisted reproductive technologies


Zavos, P.M., Abou Abdallah, M., Aslanis, P., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Use of the Multi-ZSCT One-Step Standardized Swim-Up Method: Recovery of High Quality Spermatozoa for IUI or Other Forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Fertil. Steril. 74 (4), 834-835, 2000.

Correa-Pérez, J.R., Torres-Santiago, O, Fernández-Pelegrina, R., Zavos , P.M.: Sperm characteristics recovered from teratozoospermic specimens using a multi-layer swim-up column. The 25th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Andrology, Boston, MA, USA; April 7-11, 2000.

Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Evaluation of the Multi-ZSC column in selecting high quality sperm from normozoospermic samples. The 16th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Bologna, Italy, June 25-28, 2000.

Correa-Pérez, J.R., Torres-Santiago, O., Fernández-Pelegrina, R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M.: Sperm quantitative/qualitative characteristics distribution of normozoospermic and teratozoospermic specimens in a multi-layer swim-up column. The 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA, October 21-25, 2000.



Introduced for the first time the aging effect in human males


Zavos, P.M., Kaskar, K., Correa, J.R., Sikka, S.C., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Seminal characteristics of men of different age groups: Is there an aging effect? The 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA, October 21-25, 2000. (Requested for Press Release by ASRM)

Zavos, P.M., Aslanis, P., Kaskar, K., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The aging effect of men on sexual behavior and seminal characteristics: Fact or fiction? The 4th Panhellenic Andrology Meeting, Athens, Greece, November 10-12, 2000. (Received the Outstanding Clinical Research Award)

Zavos P.M., Kaskar K., Correa J.R., Sikka S., Zarmakoupis-Zavos P.N.: Seminal characteristics of men of different age groups: Is there an aging effect? The Asian Journal of Andrology, 2006 (Accepted, in press).



Introduced for the first time the impact of smoking has on the couples ability to reproduce and the impact of cigarette smoking on male and female sexual behavior


Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, C.N., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The impact of cigarette smoking on male and female sexual behavior: comparisons between smoking and non-smoking couples. The 56th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA, October 21-25, 2000.

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