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  1.  Zavos, P.M. and Cohen, M.R.: The pH of cervical mucus and the postcoital test. Fertil. Steril., 34(3):234-238, 1980.

  2. Goodpasture, J.C., Zavos, P.M., Cohen, M.R. and Zaneveld, L.J.D.: Relationship of the human acrosin system to fertility and infertility. J. Andrology 1:72-73, 1980.

  3. Goodpasture, J.C., Zavos, P.M., Cohen, M.R. and Zaneveld, L.J.D.: Effect of cryopreservation on human sperm acrosin and proacrosin. Arch. Andrology 5:34-35, 1980.

  4. Goodpasture, J.C., Zavos, P.M., Cohen, M.R. and Zaneveld, L.J.D.: The acrosin and proacrosin of normal men and infertile men, and split ejaculates. Arch. Andrology 5:3-4, 1980.

  5. Zavos, P.M., Goodpasture, J.C., Zaneveld, L.J.D. and Cohen, M.R.: Motility and enzyme activity of human spermatozoa stored for 24 hours at +5 C and -196 C. Fertil. Steril., 34(16):607-609, 1980.

  6. Zavos, P.M. and Cohen, M.R.: Bovine mucus penetration test: An assay for fresh and cryopreserved human spermatozoa. Fertil. Steril., 34(2):175-176, 1980.

  7. Zavos, P.M. and Graham, E.F. Supercooling effects on motility and fertility of turkey spermatozoa as compared between two different buffers. Cryo-Letters, 2:76-85, 1981.

  8. Zavos, P.M., Goodpasture, J.C. and Zaneveld, L.J.D.: The effect of temperature on sperm motility and viability. Fertil. Steril., 36(2):254, 1981.

  9. Zavos, P.M. and Graham, E.F. Preservation of turkey spermatozoa by the use of emulsions and supercooling methods. Cryobiology, 18:497-505, 1981.

  10. Goodpasture, J.C., Zavos, P.M., Cohen, M.R. and Zaneveld, L.J.D.: Effects of various conditions of semen storage on the acrosin system of human spermatozoa. J. Reprod. Fert., 63:397-405, 1981.

  11. Goodpasture, J.C., Zavos, P.M., Cohen, M.R. and Zaneveld, L.J.D.: Relationship of human sperm acrosin and proacrosin to semen parameters. I. Comparisons between symptomatic men of infertile couples and asymptomatic men, and between different split ejaculate fractions. J. Andrology 3:151-156, 1982.

  12. Zavos, P.M. and Graham, E.F.: Effects of various degrees of supercooling on motility and fertility of turkey spermatozoa. Cryo-Letters, 3:71-82, 1982.

  13. Zavos, P.M.: Bovine mucus penetration test: An assay for normospermic and oligoteratoasthenospermic (OTA-syndrome) patients. Infertility, 5(1):43-49, 1982.

  14. Zavos, P.M.: Opisthosmotic shock of frozen-thawed human spermatozoa. Infertility, 5(3):247-255, 1983.

  15. McCormick, R.E., Zavos, P.M. and Edgerton, L.E.: Sex preselection in the rabbit via immunological or immunosedimentation techniques. Infertility, 5(3):217-227, 1983.

  16. Zavos, P.M. and Wilson, E. A.: Retrograde ejaculation: A new technique for collection and reconstitution of retrograde ejaculate. Infertility, 5(4):287-296, 1983.

  17. Zavos, P.M.: Preconception sex determination via intra-vaginal administration of H-Y antisera in rabbits. Theriogenology, 20(2):235-240, 1983.

  18. Zavos, P.M. and Graham, E.F.: Effects of various degrees of supercooling and nucleation temperatures on fertility of frozen turkey spermatozoa. Cryobiology, 20:553-559, 1983.

  19. Zavos, P.M. and Wilson, E.A.: Ejaculation retrograde: etiologie et traitement. Emploi d'une nouvelle technique. Contraception- fertilite-sexualite, 12(6):813-818, 1984.

  20. Zavos, P.M., Burchett, M.G. and Edgerton, L.E.: Effect of clomiphene citrate on pituitary responsiveness to gonadotropin releasing hormone in rams and wethers. Theriogenology, 22(1):75-82, 1984.

  21. Zavos, P.M. and Wilson, E.A.: Recovery of retrograde ejaculates fit for AI via the use of a low risk method. Young Couples International, 2:2, 1984.

  22. Lynch, D.W., Lewis, R.T., Moorman, W.J., Burge, J.R., Lal, J.B., Setzer, J.V., Groth, D.H., Gulati, D.K., Zavos, P.M., Sabharwal, P.S., Ackerman, L.J., Cockrell, B.Y., and Sprinz, H.: Effects on monkeys and rats of long-term inhalation exposure to ethylene oxide: Major findings of the NIOSH study. In: Hospital Ethylene Oxide Sterilization, Current Issues in EO Toxicity and Occupational Exposure. 8:7-10, 1984.

  23. Zavos, P.M. and Wilson, E.A.: Retrograde ejaculation: etiology and treatment via the use of a new noninvasive method. Fertil. Steril., 42(4):627-632, 1984.

  24. Zavos, P.M. and Cohen, M.R.: Sperm penetration during the performance of the fractional postcoital test and the Sims-Huhner test. I. Comparisons between symptomatic and asymptomatic couples. Infertility, 7(1-4): 73-86, 1984.

  25. Zavos, P.M. and Albertson, D.F.: Prolactin release during sexual stimulation. I. Relationship of human serum and seminal prolactin levels to semen parameters. Infertility, 7(1-4):109-119, 1984.

  26. Zavos, P.M. and Hemken, R.W.: Site of semen deposition and subsequent fertilization rates in synchronized, superovulated Holstein cows. Hellenic Society of Physio-Pathology of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, 7(1-2)66-73, 1984.

  27. Zavos, P.M.: Characteristics of human ejaculates collected via masturbation and a new Silastic seminal fluid collection device (SCD). Fertil. Steril., 43(3):491-492, 1985.

  28. Zavos, P.M.: Sperm separation attempts via the use of albumin gradients in rabbits. Theriogenology, 23(6):875-879, 1985.

  29. Zavos, P.M.: Cervical mucus pH and the fractional postcoital test. Infertility, 8:139-151, 1985.

  30. Zavos, P.M.: Seminal parameters of ejaculates collected from oligospermic and normospermic patients via masturbation and at intercourse with the use of a Silastic seminal fluid collection device. Fertil. Steril., 44(4):517-520, 1985.

  31. Zavos, P.M.: Role de la stimulation sexuelle dans l'elaboration de l'ejaculat chez l'homme. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 13(9):981-983, 1985.

  32. Zavos, P.M.: Comparisons between ejaculates collected at intercourse and at masturbation. Young Couples International, 2:5, 1985.

  33. Karagounis, S.C., Papanikolaou, N.A. and Zavos, P.M.: Semen parameters compared between smoking and non-smoking men: smoking intensity and semen parameters. Infertility, 8(4): 373-382, 1985.

  34. Zavos, P.M., Salim, B., Jackson, J.A., Varney, D.R., Hemken, R.W. and Siegel, M.R.: Effect of feeding tall fescue seed infested by endophytic fungus (Acremonium coenophialum) on reproductive performance in male rats. Theriogenology, 25(2):281-290, 1986.

  35. Zavos, P.M.: Parameters and improvements in ejaculates collected at intercourse and the use of a silastic seminal collection device vs masturbation. Infertility, 9(1):57-64, 1986.

  36. Zavos, P.M.: Qualitative and quantitative seminal losses during production of ejaculates via masturbation. Infertility, 9(2):153-160, 1986.

  37. Zavos, P.M.: Incidence des pertes de sperme au cours de l'ejaculation provoquee' par masturbation. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 14(11):1003-1006, 1986.

  38. Zavos, P.M.: Infertilite' d'origine immunologique: role des anticorps antispermatozoides dans l'infertilite' masculine. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 14(12):1079-1092, 1986.

  39. Pallares, A., Zavos, P.M. and Hemken, R.W.: Fertilization rates and embryonic development in superovulated cattle inseminated in different sites within the reproductive tract. Theriogenology, 26(6):709-719, 1986.

  40. Karagounis, C.S., Papanikolaou, N.A. and Zavos, P.M.: Cigarette smoking: Smoking intensity and semen parameters in men. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Human Reproduction, Supplement, pp.135-137, 1986.

  41. Zavos, P.M.: Seminal parameters of ejaculates collected at intercourse and the use of a seminal collection device versus masturbation. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Human Reproduction, Supplement, pp.387-389, 1986.

  42. Zavos, P.M.: Site of semen deposition and subsequent conception in bovine and humans. Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Human Reproduction, Supplement, pp.389-392, 1986.

  43. Zavos, P.M.: Improving spermatozoa quality and yield with buffer pretreatment prior to washing. Infertility 9:353-361, 1986.

  44. Zavos, P.M., Varney, D.R., Siegel, M.R., Hemken, R.W., Jackson, J.A. and Bush, L.P.: Effects of feeding endophyte-infected tall fescue seed on the reproductive performance in male and female CD-1 mice by combination crosses. Theriogenology, 27(3):541-548, 1987.

  45. Zavos, P.M., Varney, D.R., Jackson, J.A. Siegel, M.R., Bush, L.P. and Hemken, R.W.: Effect of feeding fungal endophyte (Acremonium coenophialum), infected tall fescue seed on reproductive performance in CD-1 mice through continuous breeding. Theriogenology, 27(3):549-559, 1987.

  46. Zavos, P.M. and Liptrap, D.O.: Procedures for collection, evaluation, dilution and artificial insemination of boar spermatozoa. Agri-Practice, 8(3):19-23, 1987.

  47. Zavos, P.M.: Recent efforts to separate male and female spermatozoa. Proceedings of the 69th Congress of Anatomists Association, Salonika, Greece. Supplement, pp.190-191, 1987.

  48. Goodpasture, J.C., Zavos, P.M. and Zaneveld, L.J.D. Relationship of human sperm acrosin and proacrosin to semen parameters. II. Correlations. J. Andrology 8(4):267-271, 1987.

  49. Varney, D.R., Ndefru, M., Jones, S.L., Newsome, R., Siegel, M.R. and Zavos, P.M.: The effect of feeding endophyte infected tall fescue seed on reproductive performance in female rats. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 87C(1):171-175, 1987.

  50. Zavos, P.M.: Treatment of ejaculatory and spermatogenic dysfunctions in oligospermic patients via collection of ejaculates at intercourse using a seminal fluid collection device. Infertility, 10(2):167-171, 1987.

  51. Fernandez-VanCleve, J., Salim, B. and Zavos, P.M.: The effect of Mitomycin C on daily sperm production potential and other spermatogenic parameters in mice. Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 10(3-4):275-290, 1987.

  52. Jackson, J.A., Hemken, R.W., Bush, L.P., Boling, J.A., Yates, S.G., Siegel, M.R. and Zavos, P.M.: Physiological responses in rats fed solvent extracts of endophyte infected tall fescue seed. Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 10(3-4):369-379, 1987.

  53. Zavos, P.M.: Efforts to separate male and female spermatozoa; current status. Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Convention of the American Embryo Transfer Association, 6:22-29, 1987.

  54. Zavos, P.M.: Artificial Insemination - Relationship of location of insemination and conception (manuscript in Chinese). Shanghai Dairy. 40(3):13-16, 1987.

  55. Zavos, P.M.: Research on preconception sex determination at the University of Kentucky (manuscript in Chinese). Shanghai Dairy. 40(3):17-19, 1987.

  56. Karagounis, S.C., Zavos, P.M.: Fructose and its relationship with other spermatogenic parameters in a large heterogeneous population of males. Infertility, 10(4):301-308, 1987.

  57. Goodpasture, J.C., Zavos, P.M. and Zaneveld, L.J.D.: Caractere original de la teneur du sperme humain en acrosine/en proacrosine en tant que parametre de la fertilite chez l'homme. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 15(12):1147-1151, 1987.

  58. Zavos, P.M., Varney, D.R., Bush, L.P., Hemken, R.W., Jackson, J.A. and Siegel, M.R.: Reproductive responses in male rats fed extracts of fescue seed infected by the endophytic fungus Acremonium coenophialum. Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 11(2):113-133, 1988.

  59. Varney, D.R., Kappes, C.J., Jones, S.L., Newsome, R., Siegel, M.R. and Zavos, P.M.: The effect of feeding tall fescue seed infected by Acremonium coenophialum on pregnancy and parturition in female rats. J. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 89(2):315-320, 1988.

  60. Zavos, P.M. and Stahly, T.S.: Sexual performance in boars exposed prenatally to triamcinolone. Theriogenology, 30(1):137-148, 1988.

  61. Evans, K.L., Zavos, P.M., Hemken, R.W. and Jackson, J.A.: Effects of feeding endophyte infected (Acremonium coenophialum) KY-31 fescue hay on the reproductive performance of Holstein bulls. Theriogenology, 30(1):169-179, 1988.

  62. Zavos, P.M.: Location of insemination and subsequent conception - embryonic retardation: observations in humans and bovine. Infertility, 11(2):91-101, 1988.

  63. Zavos, P.M., McShane, T.M., Evans, K.L., Bradley, N.W. and Hemken, R.W., and Siegel, M.R.: Effect of feeding tall fescue seed infected with endophytic fungus (Acremonium coenophialum) on the estrous cycle in CD-1 mice. Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 11(4):443-450, 1988.

  64. Zavos, P.M.: Utilisation clinique d'un dispositif de recueil du sperme (SCD); parametres seminaux et ameliorations d'ejaculats recueillis par rapport sexuel avec le SCD et par masturbation, chez des patients presentant divers dysfonctionnements spermatogenes et ejaculatoires. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 16(6):475-481, 1988.

  65. Zavos, P.M., Varney, D.R., Hemken, R.W., Siegel, M.R. and Bush, L.P.: Fertilization rates and embryonic development in CD-1 mice fed fungal endophyte-infected tall fescue seed. Theriogenology, 30(3):461-468, 1988.

  66. Zavos, P.M., Varney, D.R., Jackson, J.A., Hemken, R.W. Siegel, M.R. and Bush, L.R.: Lactation in mice fed endophyte-infected tall fescue seed. Theriogenology, 30(5):865-876, 1988.

  67. Karagounis, C.S., Zavos, P.M., Prapas, J. Prapas, N., Galatos, D., Papanikolaou, N.A.: Clinical use and experience with a new Silastic seminal fluid collection device. Infertility, 11(4):281-287, 1988.

  68. Zavos, P.M., Goodpasture, J.C.: Clinical use of a seminal collection device: improvements of specific seminal deficiencies through use of a seminal collection device at intercourse versus masturbation. Infertility, 11(4):289-304, 1988.

  69. Zavos, P.M. and Goodpasture, J.C.: Clinical improvements of specific seminal deficiencies via intercourse with a seminal collection device versus masturbation. Fertil. Steril. 51(1):190-193, 1989.

  70. Zavos, P.M., Hunt, S.K., Grove, R.J., Varney, D.R., Siegel, M.R. and Hemken R.W.: Effects of feeding endophyte infected tall fescue seed on reproductive performance of female CD-1 mice via competitive breeding. Theriogenology. 31(3):505-512, 1989.

  71. Zavos, P.M.: Cigarette smoking and human reproduction: Effects on female and male fecundity. Infertility 12(1):35-46, 1989.

  72. Zavos, P.M.: Tabagisme: sterilite masculine et femenine. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 17(2):133-138, 1989.

  73. Jackson, J.A., Yates, S.G., Powell, R.G., Hemken, R.W., Bush, L.P., Boling, J.A., Zavos, P.M. and Siegel, M.R.: Physiological responses in rats fed extracts of endophyte-free and endophyte-infected tall fescue seed relative to some known ergot alkaloids. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 12(2):147-164, 1989.

  74. Zavos, P.M.: The prospects for sexing bovine spermatozoa via the use of immunological methods. Animal Science Abroad (Manuscript in Chinese) 16(5):14-17, 1989.

  75. Zavos, P.M., Karagounis, C.S. and Goodpasture, J.C.: Effect of varicocelectomy on semen quality in 92 men with palpable varicoceles. Infertility 12:105-112, 1989.

  76. Varney, D.R., Prestidge, R.A., Jones, D.D., Varney, L.A., Zavos, P.M. and Siegel, M.R.: The effects of endophyte-infected perennial ryegrass diet on growth and reproduction in mice. New Zealand J. Agr. Research. 32:547-544, 1989.

  77. Zavos, P.M.: New seminal collection devices. Resolve. 25(1):2, 1990.

  78. Zavos, P.M. Principles of cryopreservation of bovine spermatozoa; Post-thaw quality control. Animal Science Abroad (Manuscript in Chinese). 17(1):13-16, 1990.

  79. Zavos, P.M.: Ejaculate characteristics. Conceive. 2(2):25-26, 1990.

  80. Zavos, P.M., Siegel, M.R., Grove, R.J., Hemken, R.W. and Varney, D.R.: Effects of feeding endophyte-infected tall fescue seed on reproductive performance in male CD-1 mice via competitive breeding. Theriogenology. 33(3):653-660, 1990.

  81. Zavos, P.M. and Centola, G.M.: Qualitative and quantitative improvements in human spermatozoa recovered via the swim-up and a new semen filtration column (SFC) method. Infertility, 13(1):25-34, 1990.

  82. Zavos, P.M. and Centola, G.M.: Ameliorations seminales des spermatozoides utilises pour la fecondation artificielle: Comparaison entre la methode de "nage ascedante" et une nouvelle methode de filtration du sperme sur colonne. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 18(11):943-948, 1990.

  83. Zavos, P.M. and Centola, G.M.: Selection of sperm from oligozoospermic men for ARTA: Comparisons between swim-up vs SpermPrepT filtration. J. Assisted Reproductive Technology- Andrology. 1:338-345, 1991.

  84. Varney, D.R., Varney, L.A., Zavos, P.M., Hemken, R.W. and Siegel, M.R.: Tall fescue endophyte: effect on suckling and lactation in mice. J. Dairy Science. 74(2):460-466, 1991.

  85. Zavos, P.M. Fetal calf serum levels in culture medium and in-vitro embryonic development. Infertility. 13(2):85-90, 1991.

  86. Walter, B.A., Hawi, A.A., Zavos, P.M. and Digenis, G.A.: Solubilization and in vitro spermicidal assessment of nonoxynol-9 and selected fractions using rabbit spermatozoa. J. Pharmaceutical Research. 8:403-408, 1991.

  87. Centola, G.M. and Zavos, P.M.: Qualitative/quantitative improvements in post-thaw human semen using SpermPrepT. J. Assisted Reproductive Technology-Andrology. 2:335-339, 1991.

  88. Zavos, P.M. and Makler, A.: Comparative measurements of equine spermatozoa concentration between the hemacytometer, spectrophotometer and a new rapid method. Hellenic Society of Physio-Pathology of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination. 10(1):51-58, 1991.

  89. Zavos, P.M.: Selection de spermatozoides viables a partit d'echantillons de spermes humains congeles-decongeles: comparaison de la methode du "swim-up" et d'une nouvelle methode de filtration : le SpermPrepT. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite, 19(4):293-297, 1991.

  90. Varney, D.R., Varney, L. A., Hemken, R.W., Zavos, P.M. and Siegel, M.R.: Onset of puberty in CD-1 mouse pups exposed prenatally through weaning to endophyte-infected tall fescue seed. Theriogenology. 35(5):883-892, 1991.

  91. Zavos, P.M. and Makler, A.: Measurements of equine spermatozoa concentration: Comparisons between the hemacytometer, spectrophotometer and the Makler chamber. J. Assisted Reproductive Technology-Andrology. 2(2):136-137, 1991.

  92. Rutz, E.M., Grove, R.J. and Zavos, P.M.: Recovery of equine sperm through SpermPrepT filtration method: Comparisons. J. Assisted Reproductive Technology-Andrology. 2(2):140-141, 1991.

  93. Zavos, P.M., Grove, R.J. and Rutz, E.M.: Qualitative improvements of spermatozoa recovered through SpermPrepT filter. J. Assisted Reproductive Technology-Andrology. 2(2):206-207, 1991.

  94. Zavos, P.M.: The use of hypoosmotic swelling test (HOS) to assess functional integrity of equine sperm membrane. J. Assisted Reproductive Technology-Andrology. 2(2):215-216, 1991.

  95. Zavos, P.M.: Principles of cryopreservation of human spermatozoa; State of the art. Infertility. 13(3-4):239-246, 1991.

  96. Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T. and Miyagawa, I.: Improvements in qualitative characteristics of cryopreserved human spermatozoa following recovery via the SpermPrepTII filtration method. Tohoku J. Experimental Medicine. 163:283-290, 1991.

  97. Zavos, P.M.: A new simple method for preparing spermatozoa for insemination using the new SpermPrepT II filtration method. J. Assisted Reproductive Technology-Andrology. 3:15-22, 1992.

  98. Kofinas, G.D. and Zavos, P.M.: Selection of viable spermatozoa via sperm filtration following 24 h cryostorage at 5 C in Test-yolk buffer. Molecular Andrology. 4:113-119, 1992.

  99. Kofinas, G.D. and Zavos, P.M.: Short term cryostorage techniques for human spermatozoa: Its possible application in an artificial insemination program. Infertility. 15(1):20-26, 1992.

  100. Varney, D.R., Prestidge, R.A., Jones, D.D., Varney, L.A., Siegel, M.R. and Zavos, P.M.: Reproductive performance of CD-1 mice fed diets containing endophyte-infected perennial ryegrass seed through continuous breeding. New Zealand J. Agr. Research. 35(2):205-210, 1992.

  101. Zavos, P.M., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T. and Miyagawa, I.: Selection and preparation of human spermatozoa for artificial insemination using the new and improved SpermPrepTII filtration method. Japan J. Fertility Sterility. 37(3):14-19, 1992.

  102. Zavos, P.M.: Preparation of human frozen-thawed specimens using the SpermPrep™ filtration method: Improvements over the conventional swim-up method. Fertility and Sterility. 57(6):1326-1330, 1992.

  103. Zavos, P.M.: Amelioration des caracteristiques qualitatives des spermatozoides humains cryoconserves apres recuperation par la methode de filtration SpermPrepTII. Contraception-fertilite-sexualite. 20(5):541-545, 1992.

  104. Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Zavos, P.M., Inaga, S., Iino, A., Toda, T., Harada, T., Mio, Y. and Terakawa, N.: Acrosin profiles of human spermatozoa recovered from the new SpermPrepTII filtration column. Tohoku J. Experimental Medicine. 166:451-457, 1992.

  105. Toda, T., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., Zavos, P.M., Harada, T., Mio, Y. and Terakawa, N.: Hypoosmotic swelling test / acrosin activity assay: Identifying subpopulations of idiopathic infertile men. Molecular Andrology. 4:147-148, 1992.

  106. Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: The SpermPrepT filtration method selectively entraps single stranded DNA spermatozoa. Japan. J. Fertility Sterility. 37(3):10-13, 1992.

  107. Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Increased single-stranded DNA spermatozoal population in men with varicoceles. Japan. J. Fertility Sterility. 37(4):74-76, 1992.

  108. Kofinas, G.D. and Zavos, P.M.: Retrograde ejaculation: preparation of spermatozoa for insemination from retrograde ejaculates using the new SpermPrepT filtration method. Molecular Andrology. 4:121-126, 1992.

  109. Zavos, P.M.: Improvements in qualitative and quantitative characteristics of human spermatozoa using the Swim-up method and a new standardized Rise-KitT technique. Molecular Andrology. 4:231-239, 1992.

  110. Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Capacitation/acrosome reaction and outcome of hypoosmotic swelling test in human sperm. Molecular Andrology. 4:363-368, 1992.

  111. Kofinas, G.D. and Zavos, P.M.: Preparation of sperm from patients with spermatogenic deficiencies for IUI purposes using the new/improved SpermPrepT filtration. Molecular Andrology. 4:57-61, 1992.

  112. Zavos, P.M. and Centola, G.M.: Selecting against "unfit sperm". Fertility and Sterility. 58(5):1083-1084, 1992.

  113. Toda, T., Terakawa, N., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Masturbation is not an appropriate method for semen collection. (Manuscript in Japanese). Japan. J. Fert. Steril. 37(4):77-82, 1992.

  114. Toda, T., Mio, Y., Terakawa, N., Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I., and Zavos, P.M.: Employment of new assays in the evaluation of idiopathic male infertility: hypoosmotic swelling test and sperm acrosin activity. (Manuscript in Japanese). Japan. J. Fert. Steril. 38(1):137-141, 1993.

  115. Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M.: Selection of single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) spermatozoa via the SpermPrepT filtration column. Fertility and Sterility 59:690-692, 1993.

  116. Zavos, P.M. and Centola, G.M.: Methods of semen preparation for intrauterine insemination and subsequent pregnancy rates. Tohoku J. Exp. Med. 168:583-590, 1993.

  117. Zavos, P.M., Cantor, A.H., Hemken, R.W., and Grove, R.J., Varney, D.R. and Siegel, M.R.: Reproductive performance of Japanese quail fed tall fescue seed infected with Acremonium coenophialum. Theriogenology. 39(6):1257-1266, 1993.

  118. Centola, G.M. and Zavos, P.M.: Comparison of pregnancy rates following intrauterine insemination of sperm processed in Ham's F-10 medium versus synthetic human tubal fluid. Infertility. 15(4):84-96, 1993.

  119. Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa, I. and Zavos, P.M. Acrosin profiles of spermatozoa in infertile men with varicocele. Japan. J. Fertil. and Steril. 38(3):437-440, 1993.

  120. Check, J.H., Zavos, P.M., Katsoff, D. and Kiefer, D.: Effects of Percoll discontinuous density gradients vs SpermPrepTII vs Sephadex gel filtration on semen parameters. Tohoku J. Experimental Medicine. 12:506-512, 1993.

  121. Zavos, P.M., Toda, T. and Sofikitis, N.: Impact of cigarette smoking on human reproduction: its effects on female and male fecundity (Manuscript in Japanese). Japan. J. Fertil. and Steril. 37:743-749, 1993.

  122. Zavos, P.M. and Zarmakoupis P.N.: Two methods for selecting viable spermatozoa from human semen: comparisons between swim-down and SpermPrepTM methods. Infertility. 17:151-160, 1993.

  123. Antypas, S., Sofikitis, N., Rodriguez, F., Zavos, P.M. and Miyagawa, I.: Bilateral effect of unilateral vasectomy on testicular testosterone biosynthesis. J. Pediatric Surgery. 29(6):1-6, 1994.

  124. Zavos, P.M., Kofinas, G.D., Sofikitis, N.V., Zarmakoupis, P.N. and Miyagawa, I.: Differences in seminal parameters in specimens collected via intercourse and incomplete intercourse (coitus interruptus). Fertility and Sterility. 61(6):1174-1176, 1994.

  125. Zavos, P.M.: Sperm functional tests: their predictive functional significance. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Scientific Meetings of the Middle East Fertility Society. 1:32-33, 1994.

  126. Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: The hypoosmotic swelling test: Its employment as an assay to evaluate the functional integrity of the frozen-thawed bovine sperm membrane. Theriogenology. 42:351-360, 1994.

  127. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis, P.N.: Improvements and short term viability of mouse epididymal spermatozoa recovered through the SpermPrepTM filtration method. Theriogenology. 42:1035-1042, 1994.

  128. Zavos, P.M.: Sperm preparation methods for use in the various assisted reproductive techniques. Proceedings of the 1st Annual Scientific Meetings of the Middle East Fertility Society. 1:36-37. 1994.

  129. Zavos, P.M., Toda, T., Miyagawa, I., Sofikitis, N. and Kofinas, G.: Hyperactivation in human spermatozoa. Japan. J. Fertil. Steril. 39(1)383-390, 1994.

  130. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis, P.N.: Epididymal spermatozoa. Recovery and subsequent improvements of mouse epididymal spermatozoa via the SpermPrepTM filtration method. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine. 175:101-108, 1995.

  131. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Sofikitis, N., Kofinas, G.D., Zarmakoupis, P.N.: A method of short-term cyrostorage and selection of viable sperm for use in the various assisted reproductive techniques. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine. 176:75-81, 1995.

  132. Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: Frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa diluted via slow or rapid dilation method: Measurements on occurrence of osmotic shock and sperm viability. Theriogenology. 44:963-971, 1995.

  133. Sofikitis, N., Miyagawa ,I., Demetriadis, D., Zavos, P., Sikka, S., Hellstrom, W.: Effect of smoking on testicular function, semen quality and sperm fertilizing capacity. The Journal of Urology. 154:1-5, 1995.

  134. Sofikitis, N., Toda, T., Miyakawa, I., Zavos, P.M., Pasyianos, P., Mastelu, E.: Beneficial effects of electrical stimulation before found spermatid nuclei injections into rabbit oocytes on fertilization and subsequent embryonic development. Fertility Sterility. 65(1):176-185, 1996.

  135. Zavos, P.M., Mouse embryo bioassay and assisted reproduction media. Assisted Reproductive Reviews. 6(1):23-26, 1996.

  136. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Nosek, D., Mohammadi, F., Digenis, G.A.: Comparative spermicidal performance of iodinated and non-iodinated formulations of nonoxynol-9 co-precipitated with polyvinylpyrrolidone. Contraception. 54:39-41, 1996.

  137. Correa, J.R., Rodriquez, M.C., Patterson, D.J., Zavos, P.M.: Thawing and processing of cryopreserved bovine spermatozoa at various temperatures and their subsequent effects on sperm viability, osmotic shock and sperm membrane functional integrity. Theriogenology. 46:413-420, 1996.

  138. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Measurements of the sperm motility index via the sperm quality analyzer and its relationship to other sperm qualitative parameters. Theriogenology. 46:421-427, 1996.

  139. Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: Preparation and recovery of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa via various sperm selection techniques employed in assisted reproductive technologies. Theriogenology. 46:1225-1232, 1996.

  140. Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M.: Factors that may influence the mouse embryo bioassay. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine. 179(3):167-175, 1996.

  141. Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: The inhibitory effects of gossypol on human sperm motility characteristics: possible modes of reversibility of those effects. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine. 179(3):141-149, 1996.

  142. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Sofikitis, N., Toda, T., Zarmakoupis-Zavos,P.N.: The usefulness of Pentoxifylline for the recovery of human spermatozoa in assisted reproductive technologies. Middle East Fertility Society Journal. 1(2):128-133, 1996.

  143. Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, P.N., Antypas, S.C., Sofikitis, N., Kofinas, G.D., Miyagawa, I.: Effect of cigarette smoking on the female reproductive health. Adolescence Gynecology and Reproductive Menopause. 8(2):125-131, 1996.

  144. Zavos, P.M.: Cigarette smoking and human reproduction: Effects on female and male fertility. Kentucky Medical News. 2(8):5-6, 1996.

  145. Zavos, P.M.: Sexual frequency in infertility couples. Physicians Weekly. 13(4):1-2, 1996.

  146. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Nosek, D., Mohammadi. F., Digenis, G.A.: Assessment of new formulations of nonoxynol-9 co-precipitated with polyvinylpyrrolidone and iodine as possible vaginal contraceptives. Fertility and Sterility. 66(3):729-733, 1996.

  147. Jackson, J.A., Varney, D.R., Petroski, R.J., Powell, R.G., Bush, L.P., Siegel, M.R., Hemken, R.W., Zavos, P.M.: Physiological responses of rats fed loline and ergot alkaloids from endophyte infected tall fescue. Drug and Chem. Toxicology. 19(1-2):85-96, 1996.

  148. Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M.: Improved recovery of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa selected via a standardized swim-up technique. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Produccion Animal.4:101-112, l996.

  149. Correa, J.R., Heersche, G., Jr., Zavos, P.M.: Sperm membrane functional integrity and response of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa during the hypoosmotic swelling test incubation at varying temperatures. Theriogenology. 47(3):715-721, 1997.

  150. Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M.: Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa recovered via a conventional and a standardized swim-up technique. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine. 180:257-264, 1997.

  151. Correa ,J.R., Pace, M.M., Zavos, P.M.: Relationships between frozen-thawed sperm characteristics assessed via the routine semen analysis, sperm functional tests and fertility of bulls in an artificial insemination program. Theriogenology 48:721-731, 1997.

  152. Zavos, P.M., Barnes, F.L., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Tesarik, J.: Methods for isolation and purification of post-ejaculate human round spermatids for possible use in intracytoplasmic round spermatid injection. Middle East Fertility Society Journal. 2:147-150, 1997.

  153. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R.: Vaginal delivery of new formulations of nonoxynol-9 co-precipitated with polyvinylpyrrolidone in rabbits: comparisons between two formulation-delivery systems. Contraception. 56(2):123-127, 1997.

  154. Zavos, P.M.: Methods for isolation and purification of post-ejaculate human round spermatids for possible use in intracytoplasmic round spermatid injection. Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Advances in Assisted Reproduction Technologies in the Year 2000. Rome, Italy, p. 12-12/1, 1997.

  155. Zavos, P.M.: Sperm preparation substances-Toxic? Fertility and Sterility, 68:569-570 , 1997.

  156. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Effect of treatment of seminal viscosity difficulties with -chymotrypsin on the recovery of spermatozoa for assisted reproductive technologies: comparisons between the SpermPrepT filtration and Percoll gradient centrifugation methods. Middle East Fertility Society Journal,2 (3):223-29, 1997.

  157. Zavos, P.M.: Is intra-uterine insemination using husband's semen still a valid option for the treatment of the fertile couple? Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 2(3):208-2l0, 1997.

  158. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Antypas, S., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zarmakoupis C.N.: The effects of seminal plasma from cigarette smokers on sperm viability and longevity. Fertility and Sterility, 69(3):425-429, 1998.

  159. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Karagounis, C.S., Ahparaki, A., Phoroglou, C.R., Hicks, C.H., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: An electron microscope study of the axonemal ultrastructure in human spermatozoa from smoking and nonsmoking males. Fertility and Sterility, 69(3):430-434, 1998.

  160. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Antisperm antibody treatment mode: levels of antisperm antibodies following incubation in TEST-Yolk buffer and filtration via the SpermPrepTII method. Fertility and Sterility, 69(3):517-21, 1998.

  161. Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Correa, J.R., Aslanis, P., Antypas, S., Zavos, P.M.: Occurrence of osmotic shock in human spermatozoa: its effects on qualitative measurements in frozen-thawed spermatozoa. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 3(1):66-71, 1998.

  162. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Assessment of a tablet drug delivery system incorporating nonoxynol-9 co-precipitated with polyvinylpyrrolidone in preventing the onset of pregnancy in rabbits. Fertility and Sterility, 69(4):768-73, 1998.

  163. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Foster, C.L., Massey, J.B., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Fertilization potential and qualitative characteristics of human spermatozoa after short-term cryostorage at 5 C in two different TEST-Yolk buffer preparations. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 184:143-152, 1998.

  164. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Evaluation of techniques for the cryopreservation of washed spermatozoa: comparisons between Ham's F-10 and TEST-yolk media. Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 184(4):277-284, 1998.

  165. Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M.:Can the method of sperm preparation for intrauterine insemination affect subsequent pregnancy rates? Comparisons between the SpermPrepTM and the traditional double wash method. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 3(2):164-170, 1998.

  166. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Clark, W., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.:Sperm viability in human semen specimens cryostored at 5 C using the Bio-TranzT container system for semen transport. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 3(3): 325-329, 1998.

  167. Zavos, P.M.: Cigarette smoking effects on human reproduction. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 335(A):1-8, 1998.

  168. Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis, C.N. and Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.:The impact of cigarette smoking on human reproduction: its effects on female and male fecundity. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 3(3):340-47, 1998.

  169. Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Correa, J.R., Antypas, S., Aslanis, P., Zarmakoupis, C.N.: The inability to produce seminal specimens at the time of seminal evaluation may reflect difficulties with sexual drive and deficient spermatogenic parameters. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 4 (1): 53-57,1999.

  170. Zavos, P.M.: Impact of cigarette smoking on human reproduction: Its effects on male and female fecundity. Technology, 6:9-16, l999.

  171. Zavos, P.M. and Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: How smoking affects reproductive health: Female fecundity. OBG Management, 2:48-55, l999.

  172. Digenis, G.A., Nosek, D., Mohammadi., F., Darwzeh, N.B., Anwar, H.S. and Zavos, P.M.: Novel vaginal controlled delivery systems incorporating coprecipitates of nonoxynol-9. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 4(3):421-430, 1999.

  173. Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zarmakoupis, C.N., Correa, J.R., Zavos, P.M.: Multiple ejaculate collection via the use of a semen collection device at intercourse versus masturbation. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 4 (3): 228-232, 1999.

  174. Zavos, P.M. and Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Performing IUI in the office. OBG Management, 4:78-84, 2000.

  175. Zavos, P.M., Abou-Abdallah, M., Jeyendran, R.S., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Improvements in sperm quantitative and qualitative measurements via the use of a gravity free centrifugation (GFC) technique during swim-up. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 5 (1), 53-56, 2000.

  176. Zavos, P.M., Antypas, S., Aslanis, P., Zarmakoupis, C.N and. Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Development of hyperosmotic shrinkage test to measure the functional integrity of the membrane of human round spermatids retrieved from testes for use in ICSI. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 5 (2), 115-119, 2000.

  177. Zavos, P.M., Abou Abdallah, M., Aslanis, P., Correa, J.R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Use of the Multi-ZSCT One-Step Standardized Swim-Up Method: Recovery of High Quality Spermatozoa for IUI or Other Forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Fertil. Steril. 74 (4), 834-835, 2000.

  178. Zavos, P.M., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N. Correa, J.R., Aslanis, P., Zarmakoupis, C.N.: Assessment of two devices for in vitro preparation of human sperm. Archives of Andrology, 45(2):85-90, 2000.

  179. Zavos, P.M.: Cigarette smoking and human reproduction: effects on female and male fertility. American Council on Science and Health (Special Report) 12(3):16-19,2000.

  180. Hammadeh, M.E., Zavos, P.M., Rosenbaum, P; Schmidt, W.: Comparison between the quality and function of sperm after semen processing with two different methods. Asian J. Androl, 3(2):125-130, 2001.

  181. Zavos, P.M.: Science is changing! 300 chemicals and each chemical will have a fingerprint. Fertil. Steril. 75(5), 1039-40, 2001.

  182. Khalili, M., Aflatoonian, A., Zavos, P.: Intracytoplasmic injection using spermatids and subsequent pregnancies: round versus elongated spermatids. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 19(2): 84-86, 2002.

  183. Zavos, P.M.: Impact of cigarette smoking on female and male reproduction. Emirates Medical Journal, 20(1): 23-29, 2002.

  184. Zavos, P.M., Correa, J.R., Kaskar, K., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N.: Precoital sexual stimulation and its effects on seminal characteristics. Middle East Fertility Society Journal, 8(1): 1-5, 2003 .

  185. Correa-Perez, J.R., Fernandez-Pelegrina, R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M.:The effect of colloid osmotic pressure in human spermatozoa exposed to hypoosmotic conditions. Andrologia, 35(2):117-20, 2003.

  186. Zavos, P.M.: Human reproductive cloning: The time is near. Reproductive Bio-Medicine Online, 6(4), 2003.

  187. Correa-Perez, J.R., Fernandez-Pelegrina, R., Zarmakoupis-Zavos, P.N., Zavos, P.M.: Isolation of sequential sperm subpopulations and achievement of morphological normalcy in teratozoospermic specimens processed via a multi-layer/swim-up method. Andrologia, 35(4):248-249, 2003.

  188. Correa-Pérez J.R., Fernández-Pelegrina R., Aslanis P., Zavos P.M.: Sexual dysfunction and sperm count—association? Fertility and Sterility, 80 (6):1542, 2003.

  189. Correa-Pérez J.R., Fernández-Pelegrina R., Aslanis P., Zavos P.M.: Clinical management of men producing ejaculates characterized by high levels of dead sperm and altered seminal plasma factors consistent with epididymal necrospermia. Fertility and Sterility, 81 (4): 1148-1150.

  190. Correa-Pérez J.R., Fernández-Pelegrina R., Aslanis P., Zavos P.M.: Development of differential sperm tail swelling patterns during exposure of human spermatozoa to hypoosmotic environments regulated by a colloid osmotic pressure effect. Andrologia, 36: 84-86, 2004.

  191. Illmensee K., Levanduski M., Zavos P.M.: Development of an interspecies-specific bioassay using the bovine oocyte model to evaluate the potential of SCNT in humans. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 2004 (Accepted, in press but withdrawn and resubmitted to Fertility and Sterility).

  192. Zavos P.M.: Stem Cells and Cellular Therapy: Potential Treatment for Cardiovascular Diseases. Int J Cardio.(Invited Paper), 107:1-6, 2006.

  193. Zavos P.M.: Male Infertility: Modern Diagnostic and treatment modes. US Kidney & Urological Disease, 2005, 126-18. (Invited Paper).

  194. Illmensee K., Zavos P.M.: Development of an interspecies-specific bioassay using the bovine oocyte model to evaluate the potential of SCNT in humans. Proceedings of the 2005 World DNA and Genome Day, Dalian, China, April 25-30, 2005.

  195. Illmensee K., Kaskar K., Zavos P.: Efficient blastomere biopsy for mouse embryo splitting for future applications in human ART. Reproductive Bio-Medicine Online, 11 (6): 716–725, 2005.

  196. Zavos P.M., Zavos P.N., Kaskar K., Correa-Perrez J.R., Koundouros S.: Viability and Fecundity of Human Semen Specimens Cryostored and Transported at 5°C Using the Bio-Tranz™ Shipping System. Arch. Androl., 52(3):149-154, 2006.

  197. Zavos P.M., Kaskar K., Correa J.R., Sikka S., Zarmakoupis-Zavos P.N.: Seminal characteristics of men of different age groups: Is there an aging effect? Asian J Androl., 8(3):337-341, 2006.

  198. Illmensee K., Levanduski M., Zavos P.: Evaluation of the embryonic preimplantation potential of human adult somatic cells via an embryo interspecies bioassay using bovine oocytes. Fertil. Steril., 85(1):1248-1260, 2006.

  199. Zavos P.: Male Infertility: Its Diagnosis and Treatment. Fertility Today, 2005 (Submitted).

  200. Zavos P, Illmensee K: Possible treatment of male infertility by reproductive cloning: Technique for creating cloned human four-cell embryo and subsequent embryo transfer. Arch. Androl., 52(4):243-254, 2006.

  201. Illmensee K., Kaskar K., Zavos P.:The effects of serial splitting of preimplantation mouse embryos on blastocyst developmental potential in-vitro. Reproductive Bio-Medicine Online, 2005 (Submitted).










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